Hi Classic, sorry for late reply,
I bought the new USB dongle, now I have this one:
http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Product_Id=398674This one comes with the Widcomm software, so I uninstalled all I got related in bluetooth and then installed the drivers that come with.
I've downloaded the new version of Processing 1.0.7 (it comes with Java 6), installed the WiiRemoteJ 1.6a and I've also done what it's said in the post WiiRemoteJ tips of the wiili.com(
http://www.wiili.com/forum/wiiremotej-tips-t2815.html): "On Windows, you may also need to add the path of the library to the Windows system PATH variable." But stills without finding the Wii Remote.
As you know... on my libraries folder inside Sketchbook I have the folders of Wrj4P5 and Loc with a folder inside each one called Library... and I was asking if it's needed to have also all that's inside the zip of Wrj4p5 and loc, because in your "How to" you just say to create a new Folder called Library with the jars inside, but in some posts of this topic some people say they have also the zip.
Inside the Library folder of Wrj4P5, I should have the WiiRemoteJ.jar, BlueCove...wrj4p5... or also the folder that comes with the WiiRemoteJ when I download it Can I move that folder to trash and only keep the jar
Thank you so much for your attention one more time!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: The computer with Windows XP I said broke down is now well, I'll try if can I get it to work there the P5aber applet or any other.