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building time-image with iSight (Read 2790 times)
building time-image with iSight
Jun 12th, 2007, 3:14pm
simple program that builds up an image from your iSight cam through time.

import processing.video.*;
Capture myCapture;
int a=50; //stepsize x
int b=1; //stepsize y
int x=0;
int y=0;
int xres = 480;
int yres = 360;
int s = second();
void setup(){
 size((2*xres+50) , yres);
myCapture = new Capture(this, xres, yres, 25);
void captureEvent(Capture myCapture) {
void draw(){
image(myCapture, 0, 0);


      int dx = xres+50+x;
      int dy =y;
          copy(x,y, a, b, dx,dy, a, b);
          if(y>=yres) {
Re: building time-image with iSight
Reply #1 - Jun 13th, 2007, 6:14am
Neat.  If i'm reading it right it's a tiled view... similiar to how some digital cameras write lower-res "burst mode" frames to a single image?

I've been wanting to write one that mimics a long film exposure... building up an image over time by "exposing" the pixels.  I'm sure it's easy... but i'm brand new to processing... so much to learn and absorb.

I do love Kyle Mcdonald's AmbientLapse code though, similiar approach to what I want to do... but creates a motion blurred time-lapse instead.

Re: building time-image with iSight
Reply #2 - Jun 15th, 2007, 4:32pm
Yeah, you read it right.. I'm playing now with speed and pixelsize to see if something interesting will come out... Thanks for the link, it's helpfull. I am still searching for more references on imaging & video, especially in public space. (I am currently working at the Technical University in Eindhoven at the faculty of design doing a masters project).


tjerk timan

Re: building time-image with iSight
Reply #3 - Jun 16th, 2007, 8:09pm
Another project that stacks images captured from a webcam is "Timescape" (http://phantasian.com/timescape/timescape.htm). Instead of tiling, it takes a single-pixel-wide slice and builds a sort of time-panorama.
Re: building time-image with iSight
Reply #4 - Jun 17th, 2007, 3:48am
Thanks for that link... very cool results from video stream processing.  Reminds me of slit-scanning a bit... and rolling-shutter effects... something else i'm quite into.
Re: building time-image with iSight
Reply #5 - Jun 18th, 2007, 1:34pm
A similar project with live- video is called TimeLine... very nice.



Re: building time-image with iSight
Reply #6 - Jun 18th, 2007, 10:29pm
Interesting project... that effectiveness at video analysis is a bit scary though.  But still inspiring stuff.

That url again non wrapped:
Re: building time-image with iSight
Reply #7 - Sep 14th, 2008, 1:37am
Hi Tjerk,

This is my version of the code. I guess it coud be optimized but is easy to read in spanish ;)


TimeTwist por Herbert Spencer
Se basa en el concepto la cuarta dimensión por Zbig Rybczynski, 1988


import processing.video.*;

Capture fotograma;
MovieMaker pelc;
PFont px;
PImage[] buffer;
PImage timeTwist;
boolean buffering;
boolean record;
int count;

void setup() {
 size(320, 240);
 fotograma = new Capture(this, width, height, 24);
 px = createFont("Georgia", 16);
 buffering = true;
 buffer = new PImage[height];
 count = 0;


void draw() {
 if ((fotograma.available() == true) && buffering) {

   buffer[count] = fotograma.get();
   if(count == (height-1)){
     buffering = false;
     timeTwist = fotograma.get();
     //print("done buffering!");
     //print(count+", ");
     rect((width/2)-40, height - count, 80, count);
     text("buffering",(width/2), (height - 8) - count);

 if((fotograma.available() == true) && !buffering){

   // correr todos los valores a la izquierda
   for (int i = 1; i < height; i++){
     buffer[i-1] = buffer[i];

   // poner el nuevo valor al final
   buffer[height-1] = fotograma.get();

   // construir el fotograma "diagonal"
   for (int y = 1; y < height; y++){
     for(int x = 0; x < width-1; x++){
       pixels[(width*y) + x] = buffer[y].pixels[(width*y) + x];

void keyPressed(){
 if(key == ' '){
   String filename = "movs/"+month()+"-"+day()+"-"+hour()+"-"+minute()+".mov";
   pelc = new MovieMaker(this, width, height, filename, 24, MovieMaker.SORENSON, MovieMaker.HIGH);
   record = true;
 if((key == 'q')||(key == 'Q')){
Re: building time-image with iSight
Reply #8 - Sep 18th, 2008, 12:25pm
Hi Herbert,

Muchos Gracias! Here's the wired link, in case you didn't catch it yet: http://blog.wired.com/sterling/2008/09/eye-candy-done.html


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