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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › Rec/save/play multiple samples
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Rec/save/play multiple samples (Read 1137 times)
Rec/save/play multiple samples
May 14th, 2007, 12:26pm

I'm trying to build kind of an answering machine using buttons to rec., stop and play samples.
I can get it to do it with one sample but i would like to save more than one sample to play. (So I can listen to more than one recording)

This is the code i've written: (i use processing 090)

import pitaru.sonia_v2_9.*;

Sample mySampleObj;

void setup(){
 int recTimeSec = 10;
 mySampleObj = new Sample(44100*recTimeSec);

void draw(){

void keyPressed(){
 if(key == 'r'){
    if(key == 's'){

   if(key == 'p'){

public void stop(){

I have an idea on how to solve it but i'm not sure how to do it.
I was thinking to make a variable that counts up as I record new samples and then starts over and counts up again when reached a certain number of samples.

kind of a list with sample1, sample2, sample3...

Can anyone help me?

thanx for your time..

//Mads Köser
Re: Rec/save/play multiple samples
Reply #1 - May 14th, 2007, 3:36pm
Yup, that's the ticket. You'll need more than one Sample object and you'll need to keep track of which you will record to next. Shouldn't be too tricky.
Re: Rec/save/play multiple samples
Reply #2 - May 15th, 2007, 12:11am
Should it then be:
Sample mySampleObj;
Sample mySampleObj1;
Sample mySampleObj2;

void setup(){  
 int recTimeSec = 10;  
 mySampleObj = new Sample(44100*recTimeSec);
 mySampleObj1 = new Sample(44100*recTimeSec);
 mySampleObj2 = new Sample(44100*recTimeSec);  

or how should i call them. I'm new to this so i'm not so sure in how to do these things..

//Mads Köser
Re: Rec/save/play multiple samples
Reply #3 - May 15th, 2007, 12:40am
You can call them whatever you like, it's your code. But you might consider using an array of Samples instead of a bunch of different variables. So, like:


Sample[] mySamples = new Sample[3];

void setup(){
int recTimeSec = 10;
for ( int i = 0; i < mySamples.length; i++)
mySamples[i] = new Sample(44100*recTimeSec);

Now you could change the number of samples you have just by changing the number in the array allocation.
Re: Rec/save/play multiple samples
Reply #4 - May 15th, 2007, 11:12am
I'll try it out and write again - i think i can get it working. Thanx for the help so far..
Re: Rec/save/play multiple samples
Reply #5 - May 15th, 2007, 1:34pm
This is my code now but it gives me the error:

"Perhaps you wanted the overoaded version "void startRec(pitaru.sonia_v2_9.Sampe $1);" instead?"

What did I do wrong?

import pitaru.sonia_v2_9.*;

Sample[] mySamples = new Sample[3];
void setup(){  
 int recTimeSec = 10;
 for ( int i = 0; i < mySamples.length; i++)
   mySamples[i] = new Sample(44100*recTimeSec);

void draw(){

void keyPressed(){
 if(key == 'r'){
    if(key == 's'){

   if(key == 'p'){

public void stop(){

Thanx for your quick responses
Re: Rec/save/play multiple samples
Reply #6 - May 15th, 2007, 2:01pm
you've defined mySamples as an array, so you need to give an index, something like:


Re: Rec/save/play multiple samples
Reply #7 - May 15th, 2007, 2:06pm
looking at your code you need some way to set / keep track of which item in the array you want to use or is active.

int myCurrentSample = 0;


now, since you probably don't want to record over the last sample, updated it inside keypressed:

if(key == 'r'){
   myCurrentSample ++;
   if ( myCurrentSample >= mySamples.length ) {
       println("no more sample slots available");
Re: Rec/save/play multiple samples
Reply #8 - May 16th, 2007, 10:59am
So it kind of works now.. It counts the samples and start over - but it seems like i can't play the samples - or theres no sound when i do so. What could be the problem?

import pitaru.sonia_v2_9.*;

Sample[] mySamples = new Sample[5];
int myCurrentSample = 0;

void setup(){  
 int recTimeSec = 10;
 for ( int i = 0; i < mySamples.length; i++)
   mySamples[i] = new Sample(44100*recTimeSec);

void draw(){


void keyPressed(){

 if(key == 'r'){  
   myCurrentSample ++;
   if ( myCurrentSample >= mySamples.length ) {
     println("no more sample slots available");
     myCurrentSample = 0;
 if(key == 's'){  
 if(key == 'p'){  

public void stop(){

Thanx ones again
//Mads Köser
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