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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › Problems with loading mp3's into Ess
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Problems with loading mp3's into Ess (Read 1766 times)
Problems with loading mp3's into Ess
Apr 23rd, 2007, 9:03pm
I'm using the Ess library for the first time and been attempting to load an mp3 file by using the 'analysis' example documented on the Ess website (http://www.tree-axis.com/Ess/_examples/analysis). The example works for me when using an aiff file but not an mp3. Placing the needed .jar files in a code folder results in the following error:

Syntax Error: Unexpected symbols ignored

Placing the .jar files in the Ess library folder in turn results in the mp3 not being loaded and getting the following message in the output window:

Unable to load sound test.mp3

Running on Mac 10.4.9 PPC using Processing 0124

Re: Problems with loading mp3's into Ess
Reply #1 - Apr 23rd, 2007, 9:33pm
Did you download the 3 extra jar files needed for loading mp3s, on this page: http://www.tree-axis.com/Ess/mp3_import.html ?
Re: Problems with loading mp3's into Ess
Reply #2 - Apr 24th, 2007, 9:15am
Yep. And I've been trying different configurations with placing them in a code folder, out of the code folder, in the Ess Library folder etc. and restarting Processing every time.
Re: Problems with loading mp3's into Ess
Reply #3 - Apr 24th, 2007, 3:56pm
The .jar files definitely belong in the same folder as Ess.jar, it's possible that the mp3 you are trying to load is an unsupported encoding or something like that. Or maybe you can't have a space in the file name? Have you tried other mp3s and had failure with all of them?
Re: Problems with loading mp3's into Ess
Reply #4 - Apr 24th, 2007, 4:43pm
Thanks for the pointers. Unfortunately I don't think there's any problem with the mp3's that I've been trying out. Been testing a variety of files including a recording done on my computer which I've then compressed myself. I'm wondering now if there's a more fundatmental problem involving the version of java I'm running. Think I've got all from 1.4-1.6 running on my machine. Could there be some incompatibility issues there? Wouldn't like to begin to uninstall java for the sake of trying to play some mp3's. Maybe that's the next step though.
Re: Problems with loading mp3's into Ess
Reply #5 - Apr 25th, 2007, 4:10am
Just pasted in the analysis example you are using and was able to use an mp3 file no problem. I shouldn't think that the version of Java should matter, I just ran it with Java 1.6. But you might try disabling all but 1.4 in the Java control panel. You shouldn't need to uninstall anything.
Re: Problems with loading mp3's into Ess
Reply #6 - Apr 26th, 2007, 2:37pm
Ok. It was just a matter of talking the .jar files out of the respective folders. Now let's see about those ogg vorbis files...
Re: Problems with loading mp3's into Ess
Reply #7 - Apr 28th, 2007, 5:29am
Linus wrote on Apr 26th, 2007, 2:37pm:
Ok. It was just a matter of talking the .jar files out of the respective folders.

What is meant by "respective folders"

I seem to be having the same problem.

I have jl1.0.jar, mp3spi1.9.2.jar, and tritonus_share.jar in the same folder as Ess.jar.  I am referring to an mp3 placed in my sketch folder (all lower case, no spaces, etc.).  The Analysis code keeps returning "Unable to load sound slogan.mp3."  I've even tried wav files and still get the same error.  I've restarted processing multiple times.  I am on 10.4.9 MacIntel with the processing 0124.

I know the mp3 is there since I've run the id3 library in processing on it and can detect all the tags.

I am unsure of how the problem was fixed.

Thank you for taking a look at this!
Re: Problems with loading mp3's into Ess
Reply #8 - May 1st, 2007, 8:05pm
What I ment by 'respective folders' was just placing the .jar files either in the sketch/code folder or the Ess library folder. Like how it's explained in the documentation.
The mistake I made was to just unzip the mp3 related libraries and not take the .jar files out from their folders so they sit in the code folder or the same folder as Ess.jar. Have you done this and made sure you have restarted Processing?
Then, do you have your mp3's in a sketch/data folder? From here it seems this is something you might have overlooked.
Don't know what else to suggest.
Re: Problems with loading mp3's into Ess
Reply #9 - May 1st, 2007, 8:33pm
Thank you, I can now play mp3s with Ess!

I had installed the .jar files in the same folder as Ess.jar; however, I failed to make a folder titled "data" in the same folder as my sketch and place my mp3 in there.

I had run the id3 library on my file via a relative path (thus I thought Ess wasn't working), but I failed to realize that my mp3 needed to be in the "data" folder for Ess to play it.

Thank you.
Re: Problems with loading mp3's into Ess
Reply #10 - May 17th, 2007, 6:41pm
Hello, I have the same problem. Have my mp3 file in the data folder and have tried both ways: with the 3 .jar files+ ess.jar in the code foler as well as in the lirary folder. Doesen't work either ways. It works with the aif but not the mp3 file... It says unsupportedClassVersionError.. Any ideas?

Re: Problems with loading mp3's into Ess
Reply #11 - May 17th, 2007, 6:44pm
Don't worry, I got it know. The problem was that I had the code twice: in the applet folder and in the library!
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