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sonia to arduino (Read 578 times)
sonia to arduino
May 13th, 2007, 10:22pm

I am trying to figure out a way to use a microphone input from sonia to make my led lights blinking based on the fft number from the sound input.

Below is the coding that I am working on. When I run this program, leds will blink through my Arduino setup but they blink only once and stop. Also, there is no visual that will show up in processing and it doesn't even give me any error message...

Could anyone please help me?

Thank you!


import processing.serial.*;

import pitaru.sonia_v2_9.*;
import SoniaHelper.*;

int spectrumLength=256; // Needs to be power of 2
int bandsteps;
float maxdist,damperval;
SoniaHelper ffthelper;
float pt[];

Serial myPort; //the serial port

void setup () {
//  LiveInput.useEnvelope(true,1f);

 // SoniaHelper(int _n, int _nbands,boolean doAvg)
 ffthelper=new SoniaHelper(spectrumLength,32,false);
 pt=new float[spectrumLength*2];
 for(int i=0; i<spectrumLength; i++) {

 // Get the maximum distance the max value will travel.
 // Note that the max, maxMaximum and maxMinimum fields are
 // doubles. We need to cast them to float to use them here.

void draw() {
 float rad;

 myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);

 for(int i=0; i<spectrumLength; i++) {
    fill(255,0,128, 255*ffthelper.spectrum[i]);
    // scale rad according to spectrum value, using
    // cubic interpolation to give organic values.
    ellipse(pt[i*2],pt[i*2+1], rad,rad);
 // show damper value
 rect(660,0, 30,1);
 rect(660,0+height*damperval, 30,1);
 rect(660,height-1, 30,1);

void mouseDragged() {

void mousePressed() {
   if(damperval>1) damperval=1;
   else if(damperval<0) damperval=0;
   println("damperval "+damperval);

public void doSoundInput() {
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