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ess fft delay (Read 672 times)
ess fft delay
May 13th, 2007, 2:06pm
hello. as anyone noticed that ess fft buffer has some delay of milliseconds compared to the music playing ?
its response isnt exac, and that isnt anything good.. anyone know what could this be ?

Re: ess fft delay
Reply #1 - May 13th, 2007, 2:32pm
I think that that is just the nature of FFT unfortunately, to be able to tell what frequencies there are, the sounds has to have been played to get enough data.

(I suppose it could read-ahead to get the data, but then any audio input would be delayed to allow that)
Re: ess fft delay
Reply #2 - May 13th, 2007, 2:49pm
hi john. i guess so, but since i have been using sonia for quite sometime the gap between one lib and the other is relevant..
sonia takes no time to respond, while ess is noticeable.
its pretty weird actually, since i can get a 2048 sized buffer in sonia and still have good responses..
and using a 512 with ess it gets delayed..
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