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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpVideo Capture,  Movie Playback,  Vision Libraries › Firewire Camera works, USB QuickCam does not work.
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Firewire Camera works, USB QuickCam does not work. (Read 1570 times)
Firewire Camera works, USB QuickCam does not work.
Apr 18th, 2007, 5:51pm
I have a Firewire camera which works fine in Processing-0124. Therefore I assume the software is correctly installed.  However when I disconnect the Firewire Camera (Rebot) and plug in the USB QuickCamera, it works in other applications including JMStudio but not in Processing-0124 using either "Capture Sketch" or MyRon "Myron_simpleCamera" sketch.  The Quickcam also does not work using VideoScript.  

Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions about how to make the QuickCam work under processing-0124?  

Should this be reported as a bug?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Below are more details about my setup, how I tested and the error messages that were generated.

The Firewire camera is a Canon Elura 2 MC NTSC digital Video camcorder and the USB Camera is a Logitech QuickCam IM/Connect (10).  

Testing by plugging one camera in, unpluging the other (then rebooting) -- so at no time are both camers plugged in.  In addition to Processing-0124, I installed QuickTime for Java library (installed via Quicktime 7), VideoScript and WinVDIG 1.0.1 all running on Windows XP Professional, Build 2600 Service Pack 2 on A Sony VAIO (3.2Mhz).

Here are the results of testing:

1.0 Using JM Studio (v 2.1.1e) BOTH camers work.

In JmStudio the camera is reported as
Name = vfw:Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32):0  And Locator = vfw://0. Using "Detect Capture Devices" does not show anything other than vfw above.

2.0 Using Processing with Firewire camera:

 2.1  Using Capture Sketch & DEFAULT camera
 Firewire camera shows as: Microsoft DV Camera and VCR-WDM. Compress with YUV422 codec.  This is set when VideoScript window pops-up.

NOTE 1.  
Allowing Capture to search for all capture devices
(a) the search does not report the firewire camera as named in 1,0 above
(b) If a search is done first, then using the default camera does not work.
The following error message is generated:

"SMRT Capture-WDM: Problem connecting Video Output To Quicktime"

NOTE 2.  
Using VideoScript either directly or launched via Processing. The camera is reported as a SECAM
device. None of the other options (including NTSC) can be selected. That is, once another option is
selected the option reverts back to SECAM.  The preview in VideoScript is filled with lines nevertheless in Processing, the video image is fine.

  2.2 Using MyRon sketch "Myron_simpleCamera" (again using the FIREWIRE Camera)

No Ability to select a camera so it runs using a default camera.  Clicking on the Video image opens the "Video Source Properties" Window which reports the camera as "Digital VCR Control" with additional text indicating: "SD DVCR with 525-60  Can be recored". The "record" and "pause" buttons on this window are enabled and work correctly in controlling the camera.

Next the results when Unpluging the Firewire camera, rebooting and connecting the USB Camera

3.0 Using JM Studio (v 2.1.1e).  USB QuickCam

From the main window Click Preferences on the JM Studio, then "Detect capture devices" on the Capture Devices tab.  This opens a "Video source" window and two options are available: (a) Logitech QuickCam IM/Connect (b) SMRT Capture.  Selecting Quickcam and click Apply >OK   From the File Option of the main JMSTudion window selecting capture does not show the QuickCam but rather the Video device that is available is: vfw:Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32):0 Encoding is RBG (YUV also works), size 160x120 frame rate 15.0.  Video Image is clear.

Rebooting then

4.0 Using VideoScript  -- USB QuickCam
Alter selecting VideoScript>Preferences>VideoSource there are 3 message windows appearing in succession:"
 1. "SMRT Capture-WDM : Problem connecting Video Output to QuickTime
followed by the message:
 2. "Logitech QuickCam IM/Connect-WDM : Problem connecting Video Output to QuickTime"
 3. "No Video Source is available.  Try closing other VideoScript Windows or check Camera installation."

No other windows are open and the camera installation must be OK, since the camera works under JMStudio.

5.0 Using MyRon sketch "Myron_simpleCamera" -- QuickCam (10)

Generates this message:
An error report file with more information is saved as hs_err_pid6032.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
#   http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp

Myron: myron_ezcam_run() failed
myron_ezcam_run() failed at cam->initCamera()

This is the same message that occurs if NO Camera is connected to the system

The top of the error log begins with...
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x033e1830, pid=6032, tid=4952
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.4.2_10-b03 mixed mode)
# Problematic frame:
# C  [myron_ezcam.dll+0x1830]

6.0 Using Processing and "UsingCapture" Sketch QuickCam (10)

This gives the console message:

at quicktime.std.StdQTException.checkError(StdQTException.java:38)

Any ideas about what is going on and what do I need to do to make this work.

Again, I appreciate any help.


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