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Fluid Dynamics (Read 1950 times)
Fluid Dynamics
Mar 25th, 2007, 4:45am
Hi all,

I made a sketch to simulate real-time fluid dynamics. Let me know what you think:


It was written after I saw the game Plasma Pong (http://www.plasmapong.com/) which refers to several papers for fluid dynamic algorithms.

BTW I wrote this on a PC, but when running on a Macbook in Safari, I have some problems clicking and dragging, especially with Ctrl or Shift. It seems to be intermittant at best. Firefox is OK. Anybody else have problems like this?

Re: Fluid Dynamics
Reply #1 - Mar 25th, 2007, 10:31am
wow... very cool...
If that is your first blog post, I'm very curious as to what you'll post next.

That pdf is an interesting link as well, good for some sunday afternoon reading (love that 3d implementation).
Re: Fluid Dynamics
Reply #2 - Mar 26th, 2007, 1:50am
Thanks for the nice comments, Sjeiti.

Well I've been mucking about with Processing for a while. I just never got around to uploading anything before. I'll have to tidy up some old sketches and put them up.

Yes, the Jos Stam paper is very understandable - otherwise I would have been stuck!

The 3D version would be cool. Probably not real-time in P5 though.
Re: Fluid Dynamics
Reply #3 - Mar 26th, 2007, 12:48pm
Yes, a realtime 3d implementation will probably be too much... but still. The pdf states the Navier-Strokes implementation as an alternative to particle emitters. I've recently code a particle emitter in as2 (flash). Since I'm on the verge of porting my classes to as3, and since I'm also playing around with papervision (http://www.papervision3d.org) I'd like to see if a combination is possible between this technique and a particle emitter. It just might fast enough for 3d.
I'm sure there are existing 3d particle emitters for p55 that could be combined with your fluid code to test this.
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