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Ess uses 100% CPU? (Read 620 times)
Ess uses 100% CPU?
Mar 12th, 2007, 11:11am

I'm trying to write an applet that records audio when you press a button. It works fine but when i call stop() on the AudioInput the sketch uses 100% CPU.

Here's the code to reproduce my problem:

import krister.Ess.*;

void setup(){
 size( 320, 240 );
 frameRate( 1 );
 Ess.start( this );
 AudioInput mic = new AudioInput();
 mic.start();  // cpu is okay with just this line
 mic.stop();   // 100% cpu as soon as it gets here


Does anybody know what this could be?
(I'm running linux with alsa sound... could the platform be a problem?)

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