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IndexProcessing DevelopmentLibraries,  Tool Development › new library & question
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new library & question (Read 1376 times)
new library & question
Mar 5th, 2007, 5:58pm
Hello folks,

Working on a new library which you can read about here:


Having an issue though.  Has anyone successfully used "present mode" across two displays with a dual video card?  I'm having no problems spanning a windowed applet.

Does the secret lie in the arguments PApplet's main?

* --display=n  
* set what display should be used by this applet.
* displays are numbered starting from 1.

Thanks all!
Re: new library & question
Reply #1 - Mar 5th, 2007, 7:41pm
present mode uses java's full-screen exclusive mode, which from anything i've read, only addresses a single display.

for methods of dealing with this, see "Processing on multiple displays" in the javadoc for PApplet:

one thing that's missing from that info is that with a macosx .app file, you can in fact get rid of the menubar, using a tip that someone posted elsewhere on the board:
Re: new library & question
Reply #2 - Mar 19th, 2007, 1:41am
I have recently done a project that's full-screen across eight monitors and 4 video cards. I can post the source if you wish, but I gotta take a bit to strip it to its bare bones so I don't get sued by my client Smiley

The trick I used was to overload PApplet into a Renderer class, then cycle each renderer to draw. Also, each of them was set to undecorated and placed via code onto the desktop so they align properly. Finally, the entire thing is wrapped neatly into one single PApplet so that the data can be controlled from just one instance.

I know that's not quite what you're asking (present mode) but it's as close as I've gotten it. Also, you'd need Ben's hack link to move the menubar.
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