Hi there!!
Fantastic work! Thank you! Tried it with some of my applets and it worked "out of the box". And I can't wait to try some pixel stuff now and some orthogonal views, since they might now work aswell.
I just have a few questions:
- Why is the processing.opengl.* still necessary when using your library? I thought yours would work as a replacement for PGraphicsGL. Is this due to the jogl stuff?
- How can I access to native GL commands? In the same way as I would do:
- Do you think beginRecord() endRecord() are the best name for the ProGLShape? I think people might get confused with the other new recording methods in PApplet.
- [to Ben aswell] Are there any plans to make the shape object into the Processing API as something similar to the following?:
s = beginShape();
...draw commands...
I think this is how nodeBox does it. And it would be really good for certain things:
1- We could use this advantage from the proGL library in a transparent way. Without having to do a:
if(g.getClassName() == 'proGL')
2- We would then have a PShape object which could be implemented more thoroughly later (surely after 1.0).
3- Libraries like Candy (the new SVG importer) or Geomerative (the TrueType font importer) could use this common PShape object as a container, instead of each having their own different class.
Maybe it's possible to write a simple recorder in the PGraphics class, but this might mean more bugs and time which is not a priority at the moment. It's not a feature request, I know there are other things to do right now, it's rather just to know if it's in the TODO list somewhere.
Well, anyway, it's just a thought.
Thanks again for the big contribution.