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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › ESS : extremely picky about WAVs
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ESS : extremely picky about WAVs? (Read 583 times)
ESS : extremely picky about WAVs?
Dec 15th, 2006, 1:14am

I am having all kinds of problems loading WAV files.  Different files either *always* load or *never* load, giving "Unable to load sound whatever.wav".  

They are all 44.1 16 bit stereo WAVs in the same directory.  Processing 121, on Win NT.  

Any ideas?  Is there a specification of what ESS expects in a WAV file?

Re: ESS : extremely picky about WAVs?
Reply #1 - Dec 27th, 2006, 10:38am
it would be helpful if someone could help isolate this for me! i'm relying on javasound to load files and it seems to be finicky on some platforms.

just taking a stab, your best bet would be to stick to 16-bit 22050 or 44100. mono or stereo.
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