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ANTLR .. has it worked out? (Read 1576 times)
ANTLR .. has it worked out?
Nov 1st, 2006, 4:50am
I've been looking into using various "agile" languages recently, especially with Processing.  I've tried Jython, Groovy, and even JavaScript!

Bottom line: They may be agile, but boy are they either incomplete or very, very slow!  And there are *always* incompatibilities with Java itself.  I'll post a report shortly on a Jython experience.

This has got me looking at just where the Java annoyances are.  I think 80% easily could be solved with a preprocessor, rather than a new JVM language.

Well, Processing uses ANTLR.  I'm curious: are the experiences positive?  If so, positive enough for possible further use?

I've got a few pointers from a post to the ANTLR list:
This is likely a bit Off Topic for Processing as a whole, but I'd be interested in experiences of the developers, and maybe we could get a few of us trying to remove some of Java's warts!

Re: ANTLR .. has it worked out?
Reply #1 - Nov 1st, 2006, 8:18pm
it's painful working with antlr, see the number of bugs in the bugs db that are a result of problems with the preprocessor. it's not impossible obviously, but it requires really digging in.

though if you were to dive into such a thing, i'd encourage you to help us improve processing, which is, uh, trying to solve 80% of the annoyances by using a preprocessor, and doesn't use jython or javascript because they're too slow (see the faq).
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