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Processing for Sound Installations? (Read 1307 times)
Processing for Sound Installations?
Oct 29th, 2006, 7:15pm
Dear community,

What's your take on using Processing for sound installation work? Has it got what it takes or would you reccomend using Max/MSP?

I really like the visual qualities of Processing and would love to use it for sound as well but not sure if it will be powerful enough? E.g. playing 10 - 20 samples at the same time as capturing video and generating visuals?

Any views are much appreciated, Smiley

/ marcus
Re: Processing for Sound Installations?
Reply #1 - Nov 29th, 2006, 6:51am
According to my own experience this largely depends on your hardware and what you want to do precisely. Could you be more specific about your requirements?

Anyway, you could still use Processing for the general program logic and visuals and control Max/MSP or any OSC aware application (e. g. Pd, SuperCollider, Reaktor, …) via MaxLink [1] or, respectively, oscP5 [1]/OSC [2] to generate and play the audio.

[1] http://processing.org/reference/libraries/index.html
[2] http://www.cnmat.berkeley.edu/OpenSoundControl
Re: Processing for Sound Installations?
Reply #2 - Nov 30th, 2006, 11:33am

Thanks for your reply.

At this stage of the project I'm only using Processing to trigger a number of samples stored in the data folder, which seems to work pretty good. Loading time of each sample is quite long and it seems pretty slow if you want load samples dynamically, but if you load them all in the beginning it's pretty good. I'm using the Ess library by the way. Is there a more efficiant way of doing this?


/ marcus
Re: Processing for Sound Installations?
Reply #3 - Dec 1st, 2006, 8:31am
Instead of using Ess you could also use a less known library (in the Processing community): JOAL, the Java bindings for OpenAL... This will/can give you hardware accelerated 3D spatial audio playback. Using JOAL I was able to do exactly what you've asked for in your initial post:

* play & mix 8-12 sample loops
* do computer vision tasks (using at least 4 filters in the frame processing chain)
* generate pretty complex 3D visuals

FWIW I've posted some more info & code over in this thread...
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