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Processing 0116 (Read 5708 times)
Processing 0116
Sep 29th, 2006, 4:37am
casey and i are now in the process of uploading the release and updating the site (along with the reference and examples). it won't be the default download, but it should be linked from the download page within the hour.

please test! this is a huge release with lots of good stuff, and we want to get things ironed out.

ABOUT REV 0116 - 28 September 2006

This is a major release. It contains a million billion bug fixes,
as well as several API changes as we try to firm up the API for 1.0.

         ***     YOUR CODE NEEDS TO BE UPDATED!    ***

If you don't want to update your code yet, and are just trying to get
your coursework done, you may want to stick with release 0115.

+ The reference has received major updates. The contents of the FAQ
 have now been integrated into the reference. The remaining page
 of the FAQ has more details about where everyone went:

+ framerate() is now called frameRate(), for better API consistency.
 It didn't make sense to have a frameCount variable and a framerate()
 method as its misshapen cousin.

+ The default frameRate is now 60 fps. This will prevent some odd
 quirks with sketches running faster than they need to and throttling
 the resources of your machine. To disable this, you can set the
 frameRate arbitrarily high.

+ beginShape() has changed. LINE_LOOP and LINE_STRIP have been
 removed because they are redundant, and not consistent with the
 rest of the API. beginShape(POLYGON) is no longer recommended,
 simply use beginShape() with no parameters when drawing an
 irregular shape. Code examples:

 // call vertex() several times

 // call vertex() several times

 endShape() with the CLOSE parameter will make the stroke on your
 shape continue back to where the shape started. This is the same
 way that POLYGON and LINE_LOOP worked.

 // draw with vertex()

 // draw with vertex();

 In the above case, noFill() must be called, and the CLOSE parameter
 to endShape() is not used, because the last point should not come
 back to meet the original point.

 // draw with vertex()

 // draw with vertex();

 For the LINE_LOOP example, endShape(CLOSE) is used to specify close the
 shape. noFill() must also be called, so that the shape is not filled in.

 The two main problems with the old API were 1) LINE_LOOP was simply a
 POLYGON with no fill setting, this made for a strange inconsistency.
 2) there was no way to draw a non-closed POLYGON shape.

 Using beginShape(POLYGON) doesn't make much sense when you're drawing
 a line, so this is one more reason that beginShape() with no parameters
 is recommended.

+ The single pixel blend() methods have been removed, they were
 overkill. Also, the blend() function that blends a color, instead
 of image data, is now called blendColor().

+ Along with blendColor(), a lerpColor() method has been added.
 It works just like lerp()... but with colors!

+ writer() and reader() are now createWriter() and createReader().
 These weren't really documented, so the change doesn't officially
 "count" per se, but maybe someone was using 'em.

+ toInt() and toFloat() are now parseInt() and parseFloat(),
 to change to JavaScript syntax. Not sure if anyone was using these.

+ Text with the JAVA2D setting no longer uses native fonts by default,
 which means they'll be slower and uglier. See the reference for
 textFont() for details and how it can be addressed.

+ Threading has been modified signficantly. Some of these changes
 had to be undone at the last minute, so further changes are coming.
 The changes will fix several strange InterruptedException problems.
Re: Processing 0116
Reply #1 - Sep 29th, 2006, 4:38am
[ major changes to PGraphics and its subclasses ]

+ The PGraphics classes have all been reworked and renamed.

 - PGraphics is an abstract class on which additional PGraphics
   subclasses can be built. It is an abstract class, and therefore
   cannot be invoked directly.

 - PGraphics2D (P2D) contains the former contents of PGraphics that
   are specific to 2D rendering. This will be P2D once it is complete.

 - PGraphics3D (P3D), formerly PGraphics3, remains mostly unchanged.

 - PGraphicsJava2D (JAVA2D), formerly PGraphics2, is the renderer
   used when you call for size(width, height, JAVA2D). It remains
   the default renderer when none is specified. It is slower but
   more accurate than the others.

+ Do not use "new PGraphics" to create PGraphics objects.
 Instead, use createGraphics(), which will properly handle connecting
 the new graphics object to its parent sketch, and will enable save()
 to work properly. See the reference for createGraphics:

+ For the same reasons as above, createImage(width, height, format)
 should be used instead of "new PImage" when creating images:

+ PImage objects default to ARGB instead of RGB format. This is
 helpful for using createImage() or createGraphics() to generate
 a transparent surface. Be sure to use PNG or another format that
 supports alpha.

+ beginFrame() and endFrame() are now beginDraw() and endDraw().
 Use these around drawing commands to a PGraphics created by
 createGraphics(). The defaults() method should not/need not
 be called, just beginDraw() and endDraw().

[ other additions and enhancements ]

+ Added an option to Preferences that sets the available memory

+ Added a menu option to switch between tabs
 however, there's a problem where it sometimes stops working:

+ The OpenGL library has been updated to use the "final" release
 of JOGL 1.0, released September 2006, rather than beta 4, found
 in release 0115.

+ The flag in PApplet.main() formerly called --present-stop-color
 is now simply --stop-color. A flag named --hide-stop has also
 been added, to prevent users from quitting out of a present mode
 application. see the faq on details for capturing ESC as well.

+ Altered mouse behavior so that mouse positions update only on
 mouseMoved and mouseDragged. this also fixes a macosx bug that
 caused mouseX/Y values to be bizarre because mouseExited()
 gave weird positions (workaround for apple bug).

+ The "Export Folder" Tool has been removed, if temporarily.

+ "Archive Sketch" now prompts for a sketch name, it was awkward
 trying to dig the sketches out of the sketchbook folder.

+ added constant for DXF so recordRaw(DXF, "blah.dxf") can be
 used instead of recordRaw("processing.dxf.RawDXF", "blah.dxf")

+ Make all array functions work on arrays of all types:
 expand, append, contract, subset, splice, concat, reverse

+ Added alpha parameter to color/stroke/tint/fill for use with
 web colors. i.e. fill(#FF8800, 30) is now valid.

+ Removed image(filename) and textFont(filename) et al. These made a
 brief appearance for the last release, but were not a good idea.

+ URLs with ampersands now supported on Windows, thanks to toxi.

+ Only update mouseX and mouseY when mouse is moved and dragged. Fixes
 certain kinds of sketches, and also avoids a Mac OS X bug that causes
 sketches to jump as you move the mouse to the edge of the window.
Re: Processing 0116
Reply #2 - Sep 29th, 2006, 4:38am
[ bug fixes ]

+ noLoop() no longer causes an InterruptedException with OpenGL

+ Fix transparency on images (was broken in 0115)

+ save() and saveImage() with TIFF files works again.

+ Fix issue where processing applets would run extremely fast
 after having been starved of resources where there framerate dropped.

+ createFont() now works with applets.

+ Fixed Find/Replace "focus" issues.

+ loadImage() should be returned to its former speed.

+ Fixed loadImage() problem with some types of files.

+ Only use Java ImageIO when necessary, it was causing trouble.

+ Ignore files that start with . or ._ because they were a problem
 with Mac OS X, especially used with thumb drives.

+ Fix bug where smooth() was shut off by some fonts and JAVA2D

+ Added stricter controls to prevent opening sketches that contain
 illegal characters in their title.

+ Movie playback no longer tinted blue on Intel macs

+ Movie playback now works inside applets!

+ Make tweaks to openStream for URL handling and checking root
 of sketch folder, rather than just the data/ folder.

+ Prevent settings() from changing the size of a Capture object.
 Fix submitted by Hansi Raber, thanks!

+ When using external editor, code is updated on export.

+ Make background() ignore transformations in JAVA2D

+ Fix obscure openStream() problem caused by Sun's idiocy
Re: Processing 0116
Reply #3 - Sep 29th, 2006, 5:42am
Wow, that's quite a mouthful. Congratulations, I look forward to playing with it.

Any chance you could put together a ZIP with the source too? I know, I can get it with SVN, but it'd be nice to have a good old-fashioned ZIP file... (plus it's so much faster to download.)
Re: Processing 0116
Reply #4 - Sep 29th, 2006, 7:18am
At this time i'd like to thank the members
who have posted examples of their work.
i have learned and enjoyed playing with your code.
And Congratulations and peace to Ben and Casey
for supporting and creating this community.
Re: Processing 0116
Reply #5 - Sep 29th, 2006, 4:47pm

Very nice changes, and no pain to port from 115 -> 116.
I think it's a really good idea to make the changes with the beginShape() stuff.

Re: Processing 0116
Reply #6 - Sep 30th, 2006, 1:37am
Grats. I look forward to this to. I had been avoiding 115 for some time now due to its issues. They seem to be mostly fixed here.

Time to update those libraries.... >_<
Re: Processing 0116
Reply #7 - Oct 1st, 2006, 3:56am
Cool a new release!

What are the *.java~ files that are now showing up in exported applets (inside processing/core). OS X says they're UNIX Executables but who knows what that means. They're pretty big too ~100k.

Oops.. Silly me. I just opened one. It's the source code. The tilde threw me. Is it a bug that they are included on export?
Re: Processing 0116
Reply #8 - Oct 1st, 2006, 6:02am
#@($*@#$ extra boogers left behind by eclipse, and it makes the exported files huge. looks like i'll post a quick 0117 to fix it.
Re: Processing 0116
Reply #9 - Oct 2nd, 2006, 10:33pm
Wow, great stuff, thanks a billion!

Here are some early experiences:

http://processing.org/reference/get_.html has image problem,
http://processing.org/reference/media/get_2.jpg gets forbidden error
I think the mixup is fixed by using these instead on that page:

For performance reasons, I cache an image of a grid I use.  When I then update the image for the next frame, I use:
I tried to convert to simply:
.. but it slowed the model *a lot!*.  See paint() in Graph.

Here's the model:

I'll start transferring more of our work and get back to you as we discover issues.

Man, this looks GREAT!

Re: Processing 0116
Reply #10 - Oct 5th, 2006, 8:33am
I've fixed the problem to the website. Thank you for reporting it. Please post future problems to the bugs database or to this board:
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