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htmlgraph - node visualisation of a web page (Read 2109 times)
htmlgraph - node visualisation of a web page
May 27th, 2006, 9:54pm

I couldn't find a post about this on processing.org, so on behalf of the author, I present:

HTML Graph:

The orginal news posts / discussion can be found here:

I'm not quite sure of the author's name, its either sala or aharef.

Well worth having a look, some of my website evaluates as follows: (Every -page- has a unique graph)
-mkv25.net index - Divs, Links and Images
-Universal Shipyards - News page
-mkv25.net/ibead/ - ibead message board (lots of red table nodes)
-tfc.mkv25.net/maps.php - map shopping cart (lots of table and form elements).

It works on (almost) any website, try google for example.

I hoping to extend the applet with a few extra features, like rollover labels for nodes and clickable hyperlinks (the blue nodes).

Best regards,
- Markavian
Re: htmlgraph - node visualisation of a web page
Reply #1 - May 28th, 2006, 3:11am
And my version, where you can rollover nodes for more information and follow links - a whole new way of browsing the web...


... except it doesn't seem to work on any other site outside of mkv25.net Sad
Re: htmlgraph - node visualisation of a web page
Reply #2 - May 28th, 2006, 1:29pm
My name is Sala, aharef is the name of the blog Wink

The problem is excactly the same that I had too...

Check it out here: http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Programs;action=display;num=1148569205
Re: htmlgraph - node visualisation of a web page
Reply #3 - May 28th, 2006, 8:16pm
Thanks for the help/advise sala (and the email), I've got my derived version working as intended now:

* Its still getting some of the URLs wrong - it seems to process some as local and some as full.
Re: htmlgraph - node visualisation of a web page
Reply #4 - Jun 1st, 2006, 10:06pm
Hi all.
Thanx sala for this cool visualization tool!
I made a small standalone app with Swing, which embeds the applet. I added some more colors and screenshots can be made.
Look here for download:
Re: htmlgraph - node visualisation of a web page
Reply #5 - Jun 5th, 2006, 6:10pm
I tried getting this working from scratch by
downloading the source files, but I am getting
a blank window. Some notes and questions:

1. Through some trial and error, I realized that
you need to download several items other than
the 2 source files underneath the applet window:
traer.physics, traer.animation, and htmlparser.
I put the first two in Processing "libraries",
and made htmlparser a Processing library even though
when you "Import it", it give you a large number
of "import org.htmlparser..." statements inside
the primary htmlgraph source file.

2. I tried running it, and it gave an error that this
must be run as an applet

3. So I exported, clicked on the index.html file, and
now I get no errors, but there is a blank window.

4. I am unsure of what to do with the following:

// MAKE SURE YOU CHANGE THIS! I might change this site in the future.
// Simply point to a site on your own server that gets the html from any other site.
private String urlBase = "http://mkv25.net/applets/mkv_htmlgraph/getDataFromURL.php?url=";
private String urlPath = "";

Where do I find the appropriate php file for my site-
is this something that the admin should know? Do all
web servers have a script of this sort?

Also, what is the purpose of the 2nd "urlPath" ?


Re: htmlgraph - node visualisation of a web page
Reply #6 - Aug 5th, 2006, 5:04pm
When I visit this web page:


and type in the URL of a large site (e.g., http://www.cnn.com )
the web site graph looks fine at first, but as it grows, it becomes tangled.
There are some branches that overlap in a way that is non-optimal.
I know the graph layout is doing some local energy minimization
and gets stuck in a local minimum.  I wish I could click on a node
and drag it to a new location and then let go, so the minimization could continue.  Basically, the layout algorithm needs some "help" sometimes,
and it would be great to give the user this interactive ability.

-- David Jones
Re: htmlgraph - node visualisation of a web page
Reply #7 - Aug 5th, 2006, 5:14pm
I had a thought for an interesting variation on this visualization.

Does anyone know if this graph layout algorithm can be generalized to 3D?

Much of the problem of branches crossing over each other in a non-optimal 2D layout could disappear if there was an additional degree of freedom for branches to be oriended in 3D.

Any volunteers to try this out?
Re: htmlgraph - node visualisation of a web page
Reply #8 - Sep 3rd, 2006, 4:39am
The first think htmlgraph is based in the library "traer.physics" (http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~traer/physics/), and now the source code of that library is not open source. Because It's not in the website.

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