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IndexDiscussionExhibition › PencilBrush
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PencilBrush (Read 2291 times)
Sep 13th, 2005, 5:33am
PencilBrush is a custom drawing instrument. Imagined as a brush whose hairs leave delicate, pencil-like marks on screen, it grows additional hairs to render quick, broad strokes, and abandons hairs for smaller, slower strokes.

Re: PencilBrush
Reply #1 - Sep 13th, 2005, 12:27pm
It's pretty neat. Will we see a color changing version?
Re: PencilBrush
Reply #2 - Sep 13th, 2005, 1:29pm
Nice. I blogged it over on Generator.x.

I like it even better with divisor_per_sec set to a higher number...
Re: PencilBrush
Reply #3 - Sep 15th, 2005, 2:00am
Thanks for the kind words. And blogging. I haven't given much thought to colors. Perhaps, perhaps.

Mmmm, divisor_per_sec is meant to be a constant; it's a number tuned for my recent model Powerbook and Tablet PC. The variable to play with is the second parameter in the calls to the Interpolator constructor. This value is the number of seconds intended to elapse while interpolating from one value to another. At the moment, it is hardcoded as 1, indicating that the pen takes one second to 'follow' the mouse.

Your way works too, Marius. Just documenting here, as I didn't comment very well.
Re: PencilBrush
Reply #4 - Sep 15th, 2005, 3:30pm
No worries, when playing with other people's code I usually just grab the first variable I see and bend it around a little. There is invariably a "better" way, of course.

I like the groovy, wavy motion it gets when the interpolation takes longer.
Re: PencilBrush
Reply #5 - Oct 6th, 2005, 4:32am
two more iterations:


Re: PencilBrush
Reply #6 - Dec 24th, 2005, 12:06pm
two more iterations, using color:

and some early color studies:
Re: PencilBrush
Reply #7 - Dec 25th, 2005, 3:00am
and even more:


Re: PencilBrush
Reply #8 - Dec 27th, 2005, 6:45am
snippets from an animated version:
Re: PencilBrush
Reply #9 - Dec 27th, 2005, 4:56pm
really, really beautiful and sensitive work! I suspect you're a Jared Tarbell fan as well.

I developed a series of pieces some time ago that you might find interesting. http://iragreenberg.com/ira_greenberg_data/code/protobytes/index.html
This is a on-going project, waiting for me to find some time. You've provided some wonderful inspriation. Thanks.
Re: PencilBrush
Reply #10 - Jan 6th, 2006, 4:01am
ira, thank you for the kind words! you know, your studies remind me of something mike davis worked on a while back:

i fooled around with his algorithm a bit and was able to tease out some results that resemble some of your sketches. i'll poke around and see if i have documentation... there were some good ones....
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