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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › merging multiple signals
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merging multiple signals (Read 1033 times)
merging multiple signals
Jun 26th, 2006, 6:27pm
is anyone aware of any dsp algorithms necessary for adding/averaging variable length signals. I would like to merge n number of samples with varying signals lengths into a single signal. is that multiplexing?
Re: merging multiple signals
Reply #1 - Sep 16th, 2006, 6:49pm
I just started using Processing (this is my first post) and I'm looking into ways to do Additive Synthesis.  I first downloaded Ess but it doesn't look like I can modify the buffer, only play multiple simultaneous streams (though I'd love to hear otherwise).  

I am looking into Jm-etude and JMusic now.  This looks like it might be your path as well.  There seem to be functions in the jm.audio.synth package which will do what you are looking for.  Namely:

public Add(AudioObject[] ao)

   This constructor takes any number of AudioObjects as input expecting each of them to be passing in sample data to be summed before output.
Re: merging multiple signals
Reply #2 - Sep 17th, 2006, 10:47pm
thats interesting. i wasnt aware of the functions available from that library. you can actually access the buffer in Ess using the buffer or buffer2 functions. did you see the anaylsis example?
Re: merging multiple signals
Reply #3 - Sep 19th, 2006, 11:41pm
My mistake, this function is available in JMusic but not in the jm-Etude library for Processing.  jm-Etude seems primarily for MIDI, no synthesis.  

Actually, the AudioInput in Ess would allow additive synthesis or merging multiple signals, though you'd have to do the manually merge the samples to an array buffer and then send them back to this input.  Also, only one AudioInput can be active at a time.
Re: merging multiple signals
Reply #4 - Sep 22nd, 2006, 5:11pm
i posted because i dont know the algorithm for additive synthesis so thats my issue. im aware ess is able to do the dsp though.
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