YaBB Newbies
Posts: 3
play sound once!
Sep 20th , 2006, 3:13pm
Hi, I have written a program that reads an analog value through the serial port. According to this value, a specific sound file is loaded. The problem: the file keeps on playing as long as a signal is received. I understand why this happens, ut I can't fix it. I want the sound file to play only once, and then never again until a new value is received. How can I do this? this is my code: /* * pa_Potentiometer * * Reads the values which represent the state of a potentiometer * from the serial port and draws a graphical representation. * * This file is part of the Arduino meets Processing Project. * For more information visit * * copyleft 2005 by Melvin Ochsmann for Malmö University * */ // importing the processing serial class import processing.serial.*; import pitaru.sonia_v2_9.*; // the display item draws background and grid DisplayItems di; // definition of window size and framerate int xWidth = 768; int yHeight = 512; int fr = 1000; int lf = 3; //linefeed ascii // attributes of the display boolean bck = true; boolean grid = true; boolean g_vert = true; boolean g_horiz = false; boolean g_values = true; boolean output = true; // variables for serial connection, portname and baudrate have to be set Serial myPort; String portname = "/dev/tty.usbserial-351"; int baudrate = 9600; int value = 0; String buf=""; int value1=0; Sample sound1, sound2, sound3, sound4, sound5, sound6; // variables to draw graphics int xpos; // lets user control DisplayItems properties and value output in console void keyPressed(){ if (key == 'b' || key == 'B') bck=!bck; // background black/white if (key == 'g' || key == 'G') grid=!grid; // grid ON/OFF if (key == 'v' || key == 'V') g_values=!g_values; // grid values ON/IFF if (key == 'o' || key == 'O') output=!output; //turns value output ON/OFF } void setup(){ // set size and framerate size(xWidth, yHeight); framerate(fr); // establish serial port connection myPort = new Serial(this, portname, baudrate); println(myPort); myPort.bufferUntil(lf); // create DisplayItems object di = new DisplayItems(); //establish Sonia library Sonia.start(this,44100); sound1=new Sample("geluid1.wav"); sound2=new Sample("geluid2.wav"); sound3=new Sample("geluid3.wav"); sound4=new Sample("geluid4.wav"); sound5=new Sample("geluid5.wav"); sound6=new Sample("geluid6.wav"); } void drawPotiState(){ noStroke(); fill(0, 0, 255); // draw rectangfle at xpos rect(xpos, 0, width/32+(xpos/200), height); fill(255); // and xpos as text text(""+xpos , xpos, height/2); } void serialEvent(int serial){ // if serial event is not a line break if(serial!=10) { // add event to buffer buf += char(serial); } else { // if serial is line break set value1 to buff and clear it value1 = int(buf); buf=""; } // convert value1 to xpos xpos = constrain ( ( ((value1-100)*(width+100))/width ) ,0, width-12); if(output) println("xpos: "+xpos); // determine values for output if(value1<150){ println("niks"); } else if(value1<250){ println("geluid1"); } else if (value1<350){ println("geluid2");; } else if(value1<400){ println("geluid3");; } else if(value1<500){ println("geluid4");; } else if(value1<600){ println("geluid5");; } else if(value1<680){ println("geluid6");; }else{ println("niks"); } } // draw listens to serial port, draw void draw(){ // listen to serial port and trigger serial event while(myPort.available() > 0){ value =; serialEvent(value); } // draw background, then PushButtonState and finally rest of DisplayItems di.drawBack(); drawPotiState(); di.drawItems(); } Thanks a lot!