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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › Multiple Channel Manipulation
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Multiple Channel Manipulation (Read 1314 times)
Multiple Channel Manipulation
Dec 30th, 2005, 8:28pm
What is a recommended programming and deployment environment for being able to record, jack through and playback to multiple audio headphones and microphones, like 16 to 32 channels or more.

I'd love to be doing this manipulation with the Sonia programming approach, but would consider anything which makes it easy.

Considering using JSyn directly, PD, Squeak, are there others I should consider?

Alternatively can Sonia be made to manipulate more than one stereo channel for audio input/output?  

Just posted to
about this Sonia question, where the issue was raised but doesn't seem to have been answered either way.

I'm happy to choose any environment though if people have an idea what environment would be capable of this many channels and easy to work with.

More project information is here...
Re: Multiple Channel Manipulation
Reply #1 - Jan 2nd, 2006, 9:12pm
you might want to try this:

Re: Multiple Channel Manipulation
Reply #2 - Apr 7th, 2006, 8:05am
with the OSC library, oscP5, it is trivial to hook up to pd, max/msp, supercollider, csound...anything at all that has implemented osc.  pd is nice...and open source.

osc is a wonderful thing. here is the website.


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