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Ess questions. (Read 1420 times)
Ess questions.
Dec 16th, 2005, 6:41am
having some problems with Ess.
basically, i'm starting by using one of the examples and modifying it.
i have:

import krister.Ess.*;

Channel myChannel;

void setup() {
 size (300, 300);


 myChannel=new Channel("OrWithTheTea.mp3");
void draw() {
public void stop() {

the mp3 is in the data folder and the code folder has the appropriate files in it, but i keep getting the following error after my window has opened:

java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: folder
at krister.Ess.Channel.loadSound(Channel.java:290)

any advice would be appreciated.


Re: Ess questions.
Reply #1 - Dec 16th, 2005, 1:25pm
Try using Processing version 93.
and remove "myChannel.normalize(); " when running it under that version.

There's a workaround for higher versions of processing if you check the forums.
Re: Ess questions.
Reply #2 - Dec 17th, 2005, 6:55pm
hmmm, that doesn't seem to work either, even after removing the normalize line... any other suggestions?


Re: Ess questions.
Reply #3 - Dec 20th, 2005, 8:58am
What issue did people have with normalize in 93?

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