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Visualising sound (Read 2354 times)
Visualising sound
Dec 7th, 2005, 12:30pm

I'm being baffled by my difficulty in finding anything in Processing or even Java which visualises incoming sound. I'm a bit worried that there may be some unforeseen practical difficulty with it (beyond finding helpful example code to get started with!) - has anyone done anything along these lines? I'd love to hear any thoughts, or (better still) get a lead on this...


- f.
Re: Visualising sound
Reply #1 - Dec 7th, 2005, 3:23pm
You want either the Sonia library or the Ess library...


Sonia needs the Jsyn plug-in installed, so it's not so good for applets (it's possible, but lots of people won't get to see your stuff).  Ess uses pure Java stuff as far as I know so it's a little easier to distribute in applet form.

I would search for "built with processing" and sonia on Google to find examples, and look at Amit Pitaru's site for more.  Rob Hodgin (flight404) also did some sound reactive pieces a while back.


Toxi explains his fourier analysis stuff here: http://www.toxi.co.uk/p5/fftDebug/

I've done a few things with Sonia, but none of them are online.  I'll see what example code I can dig out tonight.

Re: Visualising sound
Reply #2 - Dec 7th, 2005, 3:24pm
There should be some standard examples included with Sonia, see Pitaru's page for more examples. Toxi has posted some Java FFT code for spectral analysis. I used this code to do an audio visualization for Cronica Electronica.

Good luck!

hah - Tom posted one minute ahead of me...
Re: Visualising sound
Reply #3 - Dec 7th, 2005, 3:42pm
Cheers folks. I'm aware of the libraries, I just couldn't find any code using them to visualise sound!

Sonia's not so much use to me, as you say, because it needs the JSyn plugin. :/

Oh... and I now see that the ess documentation says 'Future versions will add methods for microphone input and real-time sound synthesis.'


Back to Java Sound it is then. Wish I could find something similar for that! I know this isn't really the place to ask though.
Re: Visualising sound
Reply #4 - Dec 10th, 2005, 7:37am
Wow, theres some amazing stuff on here.  This is acutally something I'm working on right now.  I'm a Digital Arts and Sciences Engineering major at the University of Florida, and for my senior project I choose to create a music visualiztion program in Processing.  This semister has been all documentation (boring), but in the Spring I'll start writing code.  Im glad to see there are others here making beautiful projects, which I think are perfect fusions of Art and Computer Engineering, which is what my major is all about.  You can be sure I'll be here in the forums all Winter and Spring, and I am appreciative ahead of time for all the help I'm sure to recieve.  Got any advice?
Re: Visualising sound
Reply #5 - Dec 15th, 2005, 3:16am

I too am involved in sound visualization. I'm working from both ends,, having animation that reacts to analyzed sound, or just hooking up sound to graphical elements so their motion triggers them.

Right now I'm working iin Processing cos hard coding in C is sometimes stifling.

Sonia and Ess are worth investigating and right now I'm trying to get some kind of beat detection going via FFT means. A little tricky because I don't know the rate of Ess's FFT getSpectrum... is it every 1024 samples?

Thx Ivy
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