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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › sonja: splitting up frequencies ()
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sonja: splitting up frequencies (?) (Read 1415 times)
sonja: splitting up frequencies (?)
Oct 7th, 2005, 2:44am
Hi all !

First of all, i'm new to Processing and alghorythmic expressions are new to me.
I started with some 2D drawings, then used mouse and keyboard input
commands (with little automation). Now i want sound to take over the move-
ment or drawing. That was at first my intention to start with proccesing.

I had a look at the LiveInput example of Sonja from Amit Pitaru:

...and tried to figure out, how to set up the useEqualizer(); function. But i
don't know how to inform the useEqualizer(); function about having 256
frequency bands (and substracting n) to let for example a graphical object
increase in size when a sound with lower frequencies is assigned to it.

Can someone please touch my forehead ? Wink

Re: sonja: splitting up frequencies (?)
Reply #1 - Oct 7th, 2005, 5:25pm
The equalizer setting in Sonia is not to be confused with a "graphic EQ" you know from iTunes and which lets you amplify/control individual frequency bands. At least it's not strictly the same. In our case useEqualizer() refers to an amplication function to balance the difference in energy between lower and higher frequencies. It's a simple logarithmic curve function which you can choose to have applied automatically to your spectrum data to get more homogenous results.

for more detailed info, please see here: http://toxi.co.uk/p5/fftDebug/

hth & good luck!
Re: sonja: splitting up frequencies (?)
Reply #2 - Oct 9th, 2005, 2:05am
hi toxi !

thank you for the link; first i need to get a little into it.
as i don't really get what it's about. even my english
can't make it out on the first read trough. Wink

thanx i'll gonna work on that.
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