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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › internal mic to sine wave
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internal mic to sine wave (Read 1271 times)
internal mic to sine wave
Sep 17th, 2005, 10:20pm
Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to processing / and indeed programming in general.

I have a process i wish to achieve. I'm sure it’s rather elementary to any veteran of the processing environment.

I'm running Processing (beta) on OSX (10.3.9), I already have sonia installed.

I wish to use the internal microphone on my mac to continuously generate a sine wave in the java applet window opened by processing.

Does anyone have the code for a working example, which would perform this function loosely?

I'm familiar with this project -


But its performing a much more complex process than the one I hope to achieve (i.e. broadcasting sound as well as producing a visual representation of it). I looked at the code but I couldn't figure out what was doing what.

Many thanks

Re: internal mic to sine wave
Reply #1 - Sep 21st, 2005, 12:46am
okay / i actually answered my own question / its on the examples section of the sonia site!
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