Ok, on 110 what I'm noticing is that there is a texturing bug.
With the following code (I posted the archive zip on the bugtrack):
import processing.video.*;
import processing.opengl.*;
Capture camera;
void setup() {
size(320, 240, OPENGL);
camera = new Capture(this,Capture.list()[1], width, height, 60);
void captureEvent(Capture camera) {
void draw()
image(camera, 0, 0);
It works fine in default and P3D.
What happens is the letter "t" gets mapped with the camera texture, rather than the big image. It seems like ocassionally the big image is displayed right, but at a much lower framerate, whereas the 't' shows a realtime mini view of the camera.
The 'e' and 's' letters display correctly.
Please note, I'm using the 2nd camera from Camera.list(), so if you only have one camera, that would need to be changed for testing.