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IndexProcessing DevelopmentLibraries,  Tool Development › Defining a new renderer
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Defining a new renderer (Read 7029 times)
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #30 - Apr 9th, 2006, 10:00pm
the normal is the cross product of the vectors from the adjacent horizontal and vertical points.

The hight of the point in question is mostly irelevant, since I'm trying to fit a curve over a set of points to find out what the normal should be, and it turns out that it only really matters where the adjacent points are. This method isn't perfect, since the normal of the fitted curve would change slightly if suther away points were included, but it's a fairly good first-order match.

Here's a doodle to show what I mean:
(The normal is slightly out, I think it should be slightly more vertical, but it shows the principle)

In all 3 examples the adjacent points are in the same place, it's just the middle point that changes, but as you can see the curve fitted through all 3 points has the same normal, which is at 90' to the vector between the two adjacent points.

If the point we're calculating wasn't equi-distant between the two points, then it'd be more complex, but since it is in my code, it seems sensible to make use of it.

Now this isn't perfect, since you could argue that the curve that's been drawn isn't quite right, but it's fairly good, cheap to calculate, and gives consistent results.
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #31 - Apr 9th, 2006, 10:31pm
Sorry to butt in, but just a quick question with regards to renderers:

Would using an indexColorModel be better performance wise than remapping the rgb values through colour tables?

I'm interested in colour profiling my sketches, whilst retaining performance.
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #32 - Apr 11th, 2006, 8:35pm

After a bit too much work, and lots of headaches, I've maanged to sort of get multitexturing to work, and implemented a cool shader I found to give really shiny boxes..


However, I've pretty much exhausted my GL knowledge, and found that I was guessing at far too many things to try to get things to work, so I'm going ot have to wait till I get my hands on a huge OpenGL boox before I can work out how stuff works.

In case fry knows: does PGraphicsGL sit glMatrixMode in GL.GL_MODELVIEW mode on purpose, or is it just left at that after setting it to the identity, and I should be going back to GL.GL_PROJECTION before doing glRotatef(...) stuff?
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #33 - Apr 11th, 2006, 8:36pm
mark hill wrote on Apr 9th, 2006, 10:31pm:
Sorry to butt in, but just a quick question with regards to renderers:

Would using an indexColorModel be better performance wise than remapping the rgb values through colour tables

I'm interested in colour profiling my sketches, whilst retaining performance.

I've no idea I'm afraid. I don't think the remapping is all that slow TBH, so unless you're explicitly setting colours for stuff many many many times per frame, it'll convert once, then interpolate between the looked up values in any default transitions I think.
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #34 - Apr 19th, 2006, 9:56pm

13. Point 7. Million. Triangles per second.

(n.b. single light, vertex lighting, multiple copies of a single object)
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #35 - Apr 20th, 2006, 11:05am
Here is an update on what i have finnished so far: beginShape endShape is working fine with all modes and with stroke or fill or stroke and fill, you can also change the stroke or fill inside a shape and the color is correctly blended. Also curve and bezierVertex are working. I still have to check the correct handling of textures.

Most of the primitives like line, rect, quad, triangle, bezier and point are implemented. I have to check ellipse and arc.

When all the drawing methods are working I will start with the  3d and rotate translate stuff.
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #36 - Apr 20th, 2006, 11:36am
I think I've got as far as I'm going to with mine. It's kind of a hybrid in that I've not changed all that much, it just means I can use processing to write pure OpenGL stuff, without it intefereing with the view matrixes etc.

And to show it off:

*Note* I had to update the drivers for my video card to get this to work, the ones my computer came with had a bug and would crash when doing some OpenGL operations, so if it breaks things, I'm sorry, but it's probably down to your drivers.
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #37 - Apr 20th, 2006, 4:33pm
Very very interesting indeed... any possibility of hacking in hardware skinning as well? Smiley
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #38 - Apr 20th, 2006, 4:39pm
Texturing is sort fo already there.. the library needs no changes, it can all be done in the sketch, I've just not got any nice simple .obj format models with textures to test it out with.
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #39 - Apr 20th, 2006, 5:38pm
i meant skinning as in bones.
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #40 - Apr 20th, 2006, 7:43pm
Well, as far as I can tell, there's nothing in OpenGL to do that sort of thing, so there's nothing to be added to my library to support it.

My library should let you throw whatever OpenGL commands you want into a sketch, but that's about it, I'm trying to keep it fairly straightforwards.
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #41 - Apr 20th, 2006, 7:52pm
Sorry, I should have clarified myself. It's done with vertex shaders, so I guess the question is whether vertex shader extensions will be supported.
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #42 - Apr 20th, 2006, 8:01pm
Since you can do any GL calls, yes you can use vertex shaders.

In fact, I've already used them: http://www.hardcorepawn.com/Shiny/

And I've written a bit of a library to make loading them easier. I could probably just dump that into my GL library, and it should work fine.
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #43 - May 18th, 2006, 8:58pm
Hi JohnG, I'm very interested in your library because I want to use OpenGL's stereo capabilities and have become rather comfortable with Processing's API.

Are you going to release a limited version of it?
Re: Defining a new renderer
Reply #44 - May 18th, 2006, 9:06pm
Unfortunately I've had no time recently to do any more work on it, and kept hitting an odd issue with normals and pixel shaders that seemed to point to an underlying issue which I couldn't find.

I'm hoping to have some time this weekend, and I should be able to at the very least release a definately alpha, but at least clean-ish version, which is usable with certain caveats.

(e..g having to call perspecitve and camera at least once because the default processing settings don't happen automaticly, and I'm having issues trying to make them happen in the library)
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