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Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched (Read 3540 times)
Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Mar 23rd, 2006, 2:37am
ABOUT REV 0110 - 22 March 2006

This version updates the OPENGL rendering mode to a newer version of
the JOGL library. Most importantly, this version is a Universal Binary
that works on Intel machines running Mac OS X.

Some notes about this release:

+ This new OpenGL setup has not been tested very much. Basically
 I got things working and thought I was so cool that I just had
 to post the new release.

+ Even though it will be easier to do because of the new JOGL,
 support for the OPENGL renderer in applets is still unavailable.

+ The main reason for the lack of applet support is simply that
 I haven't yet had time to try to get this to work. An enterprising
 individual might give this a shot if they have a chance to look
 into how this is done with the new JOGL (known as JSR-231). There
 are .jar files for jogl that will be exported with a p5 applet
 that are signed by Sun. Note that the version for Mac OS X does
 *not* support Intel Macs. The .jnilib files were built on my own,
 but the .jar files were left intact because of the signing.
+ The release of JOGL is the nightly build dated 22 March 2006.

+ Lots more fixes for OpenGL are on the way, next on deck are
 fixes for a lot of texture mapping (and image drawing) issues.
Re: Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Reply #1 - Mar 23rd, 2006, 2:53am
Oooh, I cant wait.  My Macbook Pro has been gathering dust since it arrived a month ago.  Finally, I get to put it through its paces and see whats what.  Any chance you addressed the video bug I brought up here?


I will start pounding on it tomorrow evening and let you know how things are.  I cant wait!
Re: Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Reply #2 - Mar 23rd, 2006, 3:16am

Switching between OpenGL and default 2D is pretty dramatic:

Re: Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Reply #3 - Mar 23rd, 2006, 3:27am
cool, good stuff.

robert--not sure on the video bug, i'm a little concerned it may actually be a qtjava problem but i didn't get a chance to plug in the isight and test video. images were working fine tho.
Re: Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Reply #4 - Mar 23rd, 2006, 12:14pm
One thing to note, with the use of JSR-231 version of JOGL, any reference to net.java.games.jogl.* has to become javax.media.opengl.* and any processing libraries that use OPENGL need to be recompiled with this.

There's also some tiny changes in one or two glFooBar type functions. (e.g. glFogfv now needs a FloatBuffer object, not a float array...)

Oh and the nightly builds of JSR-231 *ARENT* signed by sun, only the specific releases are, so the bundled versions can't be used for OpenGL applets.

The only hurdle to get OpenGL applets working (other than versions) as far as I can see is that PGraphicsGL causes a security error when it checks CPU endian-ness. I've submitted details as bug #309.

If that is resolved, I think that the only changes needed to get OpenGL applets is:
Not necessary to bundle the JOGL files into the MySketch.jar
Change the HTML snippet to:

<applet code="com.sun.opengl.util.JOGLAppletLauncher"
width="200" height="200" mayscript="true">
<param name="image" value="loading.gif">
<param name="boxmessage" value="Loading Processing software...">
<param name="boxbgcolor" value="#FFFFFF">
<PARAM NAME="progressbar" value="true">
<param name="subapplet.classname" VALUE="MySketch">
<param name="subapplet.displayname" VALUE="MySketch">
Re: Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Reply #5 - Mar 23rd, 2006, 2:25pm
hrm.. that's a bummer about the signing thing. i guess we'll just have to move back to the b3 release and i'll do a separate mactel build of that, since things the files can't be out of sync with one another. unfortunately the last beta was several weeks ago, i'm not sure what the status is in the interim.

as for the exporting applets.. that's gonna require more work and basically looks like i'll finally have to just do this:

unfortunately i'll also need to figure out something tricky so that when p5 sees size(..., OPENGL) then it exports the special jogl html. not fun because of the sort of caveats in the code and issues that this sort of thing tends to introduce.
Re: Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Reply #6 - Mar 23rd, 2006, 2:37pm
The multiple jar files isn't a show stopper, as it looks like the jogl.jar/jogl-native-*.jar versions are used in preference to the ones in MySketch.jar, it just means that MySketch.jar is about a meg bigger than it probably needs to be.

As for the HTML, well it's easy enough to do by hand for now.

So the only important internal change is the endian thing, when that's out, it'll be possible, with a little work, to get a working OpenGL applet.

For example http://www.hardcorepawn.com/ex3GL/ was built with the fixed PGraphicsGL endian thing, then just copying the sun signed jogl jar files to the server, and bingo, it just works.
Re: Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Reply #7 - Mar 23rd, 2006, 2:51pm
have you run across any useful documentation on the jogl applet launcher stuff? for instance, is the expectation that the jar files for the natives will be installed on the user's machine?

the problem with the bundling means that it'll nuke any sort of signing, which means the extra step to deal with re-signing everything (in which case, the current byte order thing shouldn't matter anyway, since the applet has to be signed). but i need to do another release shortly to iron out this stuff and it'd be fun to get the applet stuff happening.
Re: Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Reply #8 - Mar 23rd, 2006, 2:59pm
The only documentation I've seen is
Re: Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Reply #9 - Mar 23rd, 2006, 5:23pm
k thanks.. seems that they do in fact have some useful stuff buried in that javadoc..
Re: Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Reply #10 - Mar 23rd, 2006, 6:48pm
Showing signs of life!!!

However, when i toggle an effect that uses loadPixels(), pixels[], and updatePixels(), I get this error...


java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Required 1228800 remaining bytes in buffer, only had 0
at processing.opengl.PGraphicsGL.requestDisplay(PGraphicsGL.java:247)

But when i leave that effect off, everything seems to fly.  Now if I could just get JSyn and Pitaru to fix the sonia library... Wink

More later in the day...

Re: Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Reply #11 - Mar 23rd, 2006, 7:04pm
Amazing coincidence. I was just about to post on a previous thread about mactel support I had seen yesterday and wham, this comes in. I'm going to do some testing with this one as well.
Re: Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Reply #12 - Mar 23rd, 2006, 8:44pm
thanks for the updatePixels() bug report.. i've found the problem and fixed it, though the general pixel buffer issues with opengl remain, maybe it's time to fix them.

i sent a note to phil burk of jsyn who says "We don't currently have a schedule for the next JSyn release. But it should help performance so the next release will be universal with native X86 support."
Re: Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Reply #13 - Mar 23rd, 2006, 11:32pm
fry wrote on Mar 23rd, 2006, 8:44pm:
i sent a note to phil burk of jsyn who says "We don't currently have a schedule for the next JSyn release. But it should help performance so the next release will be universal with native X86 support."

Great.  We arent making it now, but rest assured, when we do actually make it, itll kick ass!  Sigh.  Oh well, back to the drawing board.

However, on the openGLness, great performance boost.  Haven't actually checked the fps but I suspect I am getting at least 5 to 10 more than with the old laptop, and at a higher resolution.

The built-in iSight is a little moody (or it could be my old code), but it does return blue/alpha images.  I set the bg to black for this photo.

Re: Processing 0110 mactel people get psyched
Reply #14 - Mar 24th, 2006, 3:06am
Okay.  Quick test of the Ribbons w/ cams project gets 125 FPS on the older laptop, and 155 FPS on the new laptop.  Going to try something a little more load heavy later this evening.


Cranked up the goods and was able to get 40+ fps where the old laptop struggled to hit 28 fps.  So, not the 3x to 4x improvement that I was secretly hoping for, but man, definitely an improvement.
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