Processing 0108 is more fun for your money
Mar 15th , 2006, 5:42pm
...guaranteed or we'll provide a full refund. ABOUT REV 0108 - 15 March 2006 A couple minor bug fixes but mostly fun additional features in this release. [ additions ] + A DXF file exporter. Lines and triangles from P3D or OPENGL rendering modes can be sent directly to a DXF file. More information and an example can be found in the developer's reference: + A color picker has been added to the Tools menu. Using the keyboard shortcuts, you can copy/paste the values for the colors and paste them into your program. (We didn't do any sort of auto-insert of colorMode() or fill() or stroke() code cuz we couldn't decide on a good way to do this.. your contributions welcome). + We've decided to include versions of image and textFont that take a filename instead of requiring a call to loadImage(). This is less efficient than using loadImage because there's no way to unload it from memory, but it's useful for beginners. void image(String filename, float x, float y) void image(String filename, float x, float y, float c, float d) void image(String filename, float a, float b, float c, float d, int u1, int v1, int u2, int v2) void textFont(String filename) void textFont(String filename, float size) + The discourse formatter tool posted to the discourse board by owd has been added to the Tools menu. We're distributing it for now while "Tools" menu features are in testing. [ bug fixes ] + a weird set of exceptions would show up whenever a file was dragged to the sketch window on macosx. it didn't usually cause any trouble, but the nasty error messages are now gone. + fix for the capture settings dialog submitted by hansi;action=display;num=1139376484 + fixes to the local version of the FAQ and a handful of additions.