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Processing Conference? (Read 2902 times)
Processing Conference?
Feb 3rd, 2006, 11:45pm
Has there been talk about anything like this?

I have the connections/means to perhaps get something together here in Vancouver... just wondering if there would be the demand for it.

Doesn't have to be something too large. Maybe 2 days...?

Just throwing it out there.
Re: Processing Conference?
Reply #1 - Feb 4th, 2006, 3:08am
just wondering if there would be the demand for it.

I demand it.  Smiley

I've been tentatively talking with Tim Schwartz at the Museum of the Moving image in Queens, NY about a Processing event in the Fall and I've also been thinking about holding an event in LA in the Spring. The plan is to make very short, small free conferences without any budget. To utilize local resources and connections.

I've thought at length about the content of such a conference/event. I think there should be public and private sections. The project is in great need of a developer community (I think the project is in danger if it doesn't grow a development community) and I think an event would be a great place for potential developers to discuss ideas. It would also be a great time for educators to share stories, projects, and techniques. The public part of the conference/event might include many quick show and tell type presentations on different themes and a panel or two.

The reason I've been thinking about NYC and LA is because I know there are enough people in the area to support such an event without people needing to travel and we don't have any budget to fly speakers in. What's going on in BC?
Re: Processing Conference?
Reply #2 - Feb 4th, 2006, 3:31am
Yes, NYC! I would love to do something for something like that!
Re: Processing Conference?
Reply #3 - Feb 4th, 2006, 4:04am

LA! Cheesy

It would be interesting to see, although what kinds of things would be at this conference?

I'd love to see something like this happen, though. Meeting the people behind the aliases is important, imo..
Re: Processing Conference?
Reply #4 - Feb 4th, 2006, 5:45am
I'm wondering if we couldn't generate some operational budget working with a university to at least cover speakers' travel, room and board and maybe some promotional material. The speakers could do public panels, presentations and a maybe a  private workshop series for students/faculty. The conference could still be free, but at least folks not in NY or LA (say in oxford, OH Wink) could participate without a financial burden.
Re: Processing Conference?
Reply #5 - Feb 4th, 2006, 8:34pm
The sole advantage of BC is that I'm there and know the city and community. I agree that it would probably best be held elsewhere... it was more of a 'hey, let's get the ball rolling' kond of thing.

I speak at a Flash conference in Minneapolis every year that is really inspiring. It was started by a guy who just thought 'why not?' and planned and executed the whole thing.

Vancouver *is* a truly amazing city.
Re: Processing Conference?
Reply #6 - Feb 5th, 2006, 4:34am
Having an event in BC sounds great. Sorry if my message read differently. I think having many small-ish Processing events utilizing local resources is the right way to go. I was just writing to let you know what is in the works and my thoughts on format. We're an open source community driven project, not a proprietary corporate giant. Processing conferences should reflect and reveal this difference.  Smiley

The only way things get done on this project is individuals making things happen. Ben and I can't make everything happen but we try to support, promote, and encourage the efforts of other people in the community.
Re: Processing Conference?
Reply #7 - Feb 5th, 2006, 7:58pm
I will do some poking around. See if it would be doable within a reasonable budget.

Strikes me as events like this would be very beneficial to developing a larger community...
Re: Processing Conference?
Reply #8 - Feb 5th, 2006, 9:03pm
I don't mean to be a nudge on this, but I'd speak to some schools in BC. They've got budgets to bring in speakers/panelists/etc. Perhaps a few schools/orgs could even join forces. For example, this April we're hosting a code conference at Miami U (of Ohio) that includes a panel discussion on code art, (including Casey and Mary Flanagan.) We're partnering with IDMAA http://www.units.muohio.edu/codeconference/index.htm

This is regrettably not a free conference. However, we could have (probably should have) structured it differently. For example, the art dept will shell out money to bring in other visiting artists throughout the year; why not tie it to the conference, so a well-known speaker can at least have their costs covered. I also wouldn't underestimate the drawing power of a recognizable name as a keynote, featured speaker, etc.(Have you looked at the speaker list at FITC lately:http://www.fitc.ca/speaker_list.cfm?festival_id=5)

The smaller group conferencette concept seems more like an extension of a user group idea, which is also excellent, but probably not going to help spread the word–which is what Processing needs. Althougth the board is pretty active, there are only 3679 (as of 5 mins ago) currently registered members worldwide. I realize there are plenty of users who read the boards anonymously, but I'd still love to see a 0 appended to the end of that number.

Re: Processing Conference?
Reply #9 - Feb 5th, 2006, 9:50pm
The schools are the first people that I'd approach. I teach at one of the colleges in town and have a fair number of contacts at various schools.

The FITC line-up looks great this year. Even if it doesn't include me for the first time in three years. *sigh*. If Toronto were a bit closer I'd think about making the trip, but I'm a bit too short on funds.
Re: Processing Conference?
Reply #10 - Feb 5th, 2006, 10:08pm
yeah, I'm about to go ask/beg my dept chair for travel funds to FITC myself. If I go I may sit on a panel and try to plug Processing–of course this will have nothing to do with shamelessly plugging my book ;-0
Re: Processing Conference?
Reply #11 - Feb 6th, 2006, 5:40am
If there's anything I can do to help on the NYC end of things, I would love to.  I might even be host something at ITP/NYU. . .  

Re: Processing Conference?
Reply #12 - Feb 6th, 2006, 6:13am
I wonder if another conference couldn't be utilized as a host (kinda thinking benign parasite here.) If a Processing event coincided with, for example a Flash forward, many people would be in town already.
Re: Processing Conference?
Reply #13 - Feb 6th, 2006, 2:33pm
The educational arena should definitely be leveraged. While I'd love to attend a Processing conference in Ohio, NYC is a lot closer for me Smiley

Casey, I doubt you need my help, but if you need a conference Web site I'd be happy to donate some time developing one if I can fit it in.
Re: Processing Conference?
Reply #14 - Mar 5th, 2006, 2:57pm
I came to this conversation a bit late, but if there is any interest in a Processing event in Vancouver - I'd love to help out.
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