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IndexProcessing DevelopmentCore,  Processing Development Environment (PDE) › PImage methods vs. (display window) functions
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PImage methods vs. (display window?) functions (Read 2218 times)
PImage methods vs. (display window?) functions
Jan 22nd, 2006, 5:41pm
Man am I finding it hard to write about PImage functions/methods. The similiar functionality and common names(img.blend() vs. blend()) has got to be baffling to new users, especially since there's usually a PImage or 2 involved in the function calls. Might it be better to simply eliminate method approach altogether (or at least pull it out of the referece,) and keep calls procedurally consistent with rest of Processing? Or am I missing something. I've been spending waaay too much time deciphering toxi's PImage bitwise bonanza.


Re: PImage methods vs. (display window?) functions
Reply #1 - Jan 22nd, 2006, 10:11pm
I think the difference is that if it's a method, it somehow changes the object that it's a method of.
If it's a global function, it doesn't change any of the objects passed in.
Re: PImage methods vs. (display window?) functions
Reply #2 - Jan 23rd, 2006, 12:02am
Thanks John,
My question is more pedagogical in nature, with regard to structure/usability of Processing language.
Re: PImage methods vs. (display window?) functions
Reply #3 - Jan 23rd, 2006, 1:58am
from my perspective:

In order to make Processing be usable from an "procedural" and in an "object oriented" point of view.  It's programed in some how with default instances of classes.

This means that when you you want to draw a line, you don't need to create a class PGraphics and call it's method line(), processing has already created the default class called "g".

I think this can be applied to PImage, but I'm not sure there's a default class.

I think that all this is more of my point of view than what it really is in the code, haven't looked in detail.

Anyway a thought, for Processing 2.0 (if this wasn't the case), it would be nice that this idea could be applied to all kind of objects.  Like that you could really take an object oriented (OO) approach from any procedural part that has been done.

So that when you apply beginShape() processing creates an object PShape that could be called poly[0].  Like that later on you can (from an OO point of view) access it and modify it.

What do you think about this latenight thought?
Re: PImage methods vs. (display window?) functions
Reply #4 - Jan 23rd, 2006, 3:26pm
ira, i agree this is an ugly setup.. the problem is that we're a ways from having a blendMode() method that would make such a setup obselete, so we used toxi's implementation as it was.

PGraphics subclasses PImage, which creates some confusion, because it means that a PGraphics object is just a pixel buffer like any other. right now we're not taking great advantage of this, but it will improve.

we've tried to be consistent with how blend acts on things (just keep in mind that if an image isn't specified, it's using the main drawing surface as an image), but it's a bit abstract.
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