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MacTel's (Read 4876 times)
Jan 15th, 2006, 3:57pm
I was wondering if anyone has information about how well processing works on the new intel mac's or even the developer transition kits.

Will processing be able to run natively on the machines?
Will it run a lot faster? Macs have a pretty ropey implementation of java that's pretty slow, but maybe the mactel implementation will work better...

Any info?

Re: MacTel's
Reply #1 - Jan 15th, 2006, 4:27pm
i expect it to be considerably faster.. probably not as fast as the windows vm because it's received more love, but faster than the current powerpc vms. the mactel machines improved bus/processor speed will be a big help, and the ways that they're not faster than ppc (altivec, heavy media stuff) will have little effect on java (yes, contradictory, but i just don't think it's been optimized that way on the mac).

i didn't have the $$ for a dev transition kit but i'll be saving my quarters for a mactel laptop. we need to start getting benefactors or grants for this sort of thing.
Re: MacTel's
Reply #2 - Jan 15th, 2006, 6:36pm
Heh, indeed...
Its a shame you didn't, you would have received a replacement iMac for free!
Still, everything's better with hindsight I guess.

So will processing have to be transitioned to a universal binary?

I'm planning on buying a MacBook Pro before i start my masters, who knows if i'll be able to save £1.5k by then...
Re: MacTel's
Reply #3 - Jan 27th, 2006, 7:49pm
processing will be made a universal binary, though that means very little, since the only component that matters is a tiny bit of binary code that launches the thing. i may need to do this in order for it to run properly, since java won't run via rosetta, and i don't know how that affects apple's java launcher (which we use with p5).

java, thankfully, is already native on the new intel macs and doesn't run under rosetta. so it should be all nice and clean.

native code for libraries like jogl and serial are likely to not run at all, and we'll need to get new versions of those (hopefully from the jogl and rxtx people).

my hope is that the java implementation will get a little less ropey as you say, perhaps they'll be able to benefit if there are intel-only optimizations that haven't been ported to osx. and the faster processor will be huge. but in general i expect it to still be behind the windows vm in terms of quality.
Re: MacTel's
Reply #4 - Feb 4th, 2006, 7:28pm
adapted this thread for the faq, and added some updates on status:
Re: MacTel's
Reply #5 - Feb 24th, 2006, 6:41pm
So far, I haven't been able to test Processing on my MacBook Pro all that much.  A quick poke shows that JOGL needs to be dealt with.  I tried using the JOGL rework from...


... but it gave me this error (note that I might have implemented their files incorrectly, but here is the error message anyhow)

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /Applications/Processing 0103/libraries/opengl/library/libjogl.jnilib:

Also, the video library needs to be tweaked.  Webcam input and videos play back blue with alpha so I guess its that ol' ARGB vs RGBA demon.

I hope to play with it some more this weekend, so if new issues pop up, I will mention them here. (?)


Re: MacTel's
Reply #6 - Feb 28th, 2006, 9:53pm
alright, so i've unloaded my jar of quarters and have an intel mac mini on the way. i won't be doing laundry 'til FITC, but it'll all be worth it. besides, processing is more important than clean laundry anyway.
Re: MacTel's
Reply #7 - Mar 27th, 2006, 3:45pm
blue video input now being tracked here:
Re: MacTel's
Reply #8 - Mar 28th, 2006, 12:27pm
Hi there

Any idea when the serial library will be modified to work on the new intel Macs? I've tried running it but doens't seem to be liking it at all... is there any quick fixes I can make to the libraries or download new versions as a quick hack?

Re: MacTel's
Reply #9 - Mar 28th, 2006, 2:51pm
there is an rxtx build (RXTX 2.1-7r2) that works with Mactels on the rxtx.org page - would switching that in the java installation on the machine fix things or would it cause all manner of problems.


Re: MacTel's
Reply #10 - Mar 28th, 2006, 2:57pm
cool, i'll get that into the next release.
Re: MacTel's
Reply #11 - Mar 28th, 2006, 9:57pm
thats great - got my mactel last week and just sorting out all my hardware/software arguments - tweaking java installs would have been a steep curve for me.
Re: MacTel's
Reply #12 - Mar 29th, 2006, 4:49pm
now set with release 0111, though i haven't had a chance to test it.. haven't had a chance to go digging for universal drivers for my keyspan adapter.
Re: MacTel's
Reply #13 - Mar 29th, 2006, 6:00pm
I will try it soon with some bluetooth stuff


Re: MacTel's
Reply #14 - Mar 30th, 2006, 10:09pm
Just downloaded 0111 and it seems to pick up the serial stuff but I keep getting a "error, serial port in use" message. I've tried launching the serial setup program in the serial library but doesn't seem to do much...

any help?  off to the milan furniture fair on sunday with this project showing with Ingo Maurer so any help would be muchly appreciated!!

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