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Processing 0099 is not 1 away from 1.0 (Read 1395 times)
Processing 0099 is not 1 away from 1.0
Dec 18th, 2005, 10:02pm
ABOUT REV 0099 - 18 December 2005

A general usability-oriented release. The most major thing is some
additional support for auto-indenting of blocks (things inside curly
braces) and being smarter about indents on new lines. Other than that,
it's a lot of bug fixes. If there are errors in the auto-indenting,
you might want to just move back to 0098.

+ better auto-indent code. it's not complete or perfect, but should
 make the editor a little less annoying for general use.

+ ctrl-up and ctrl-down move up or down to the next empty line
 (holding down shift will also select the area)

+ a /* without an ending */ was crashing with a NullPointerException
 or OutOfMemoryError or just plain locking up.

+ let user know where offensively named sketches are located

+ make windows respond to ctrl/cmd-w and esc more consistently

+ make buttons in toolbar highlight as their actions are taking place
 (i.e. make the export button stay lit while the export is completing)

+ processing should no longer fill the temporary directory with extra
 folders. iron out other console and build related issues.

+ fix obscure bug with hidden files when using an external editor

+ fix an issue with autoformat showing up out of range

+ support for ComponentListener to handle calling size() when
 a PApplet is resized by a layout manager or other means.
 this still doesn't work with opengl, however.

+ calling size() while app is running had some weirdness
Re: Processing 0099 is not 1 away from 1.0
Reply #1 - Dec 18th, 2005, 10:32pm
hey! that's one away from 1.0! awesome!

Smiley Smiley
Re: Processing 0099 is not 1 away from 1.0
Reply #2 - Dec 20th, 2005, 7:55am
Nono lunetta. You don't understand!


0099 IS 1.0! ceil() ftw.

btw thanks Fry.
Re: Processing 0099 is not 1 away from 1.0
Reply #3 - Dec 21st, 2005, 9:15am
The usability matters!

Thanks Ben!

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