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IndexDiscussionGeneral Discussion,  Status › Processing 0098 - this is getting ridiculous
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Processing 0098 - this is getting ridiculous (Read 3233 times)
Processing 0098 - this is getting ridiculous
Dec 1st, 2005, 7:38pm
ABOUT REV 0098 - 1 December 2005

Not heavily tested, a release primarily for Casey to fix some issues
he was running into with while writing the book. A handful of bug
fixes I figured I'd post for the more adventurous, before adding
anything more complex to it.

Not as necesary a release as the others but has some useful fixes and
I'll need to know whether or not there are any regressions before the
next "big" release.

[ bug fixes ]

+ fixes for linux shell script for "export to application"
 thanks to x771771 at fixless.com for the report and fix.

+ more edits are now a compound edit, so hitting "Undo" after "Auto
 Format" will undo to the previous state, instead of first going to a
 blank screen and requiring a second "Undo." this is particularly
 noticeable when bugs in Auto Format cause code to be mangled, and
 hitting undo would "delete" the code entirely (a second undo would
 fix things, but not everyone figured that out).

+ several fixes to "Auto Format", however many more bugs uncovered in
 the process. unfortunately the code was contributed and then
 abandoned by its original author, making it difficult to maintain.

+ better bug handling with auto format. if an exception occurs,
 auto format should return without mangling your code.

+ once again fixed a bug where width and height were set to zero in
 static mode apps. hopefully fixed properly this time:

+ fixed a bug where play() wouldn't play a sound the second time
 unless stop() had been called on it.

[ changes ]

+ updated to java 1.4.2_10 on windows and linux. the former version
 was 1.4.2_08, though _10 will be out of sync with macosx which is
 currently at 1.4.2_09.

+ updated notes in the javadoc about how the preprocessor works.

+ made auto format more verbal in reporting errors and differences to
 the editor. won't change anything unless actual changes occur, and
 if an misbalanced parenthesis situation occurs, it's reported as an

[ api changes ]

+ recordShapes() and recordShapesRaw() will be record() and
 recordRaw(), though they remain mostly unimplemented.
Re: Processing 0098 - this is getting ridiculous
Reply #1 - Dec 2nd, 2005, 7:27pm
Fantastically ridiculous (progre55ing Smiley)!
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