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IndexDiscussionGeneral Discussion,  Status › Status 28 July 2005
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Status 28 July 2005 (Read 1320 times)
Status 28 July 2005
Jul 28th, 2005, 3:56pm
hm, seems a while since the last status...

casey has been cranking away on an "official" processing book, and i've been swamped at work and haven't had a lot of time to  do things on the board.

because i've been using processing for a work-related project, there have been some bug fixes that led to release 92 (unannounced but posted), which mostly cover improvements to handling type and some internal things that pave the way for plugging in other renderers (i.e. write straight to pdf or illustrator or dxf).

as you may have noticed, i've also been digging through the bugs board and filing everything into the bugs database. we're preparing to shut down using this area for bug reporting, and move it all to the database. to help me, i ask that you use the bugs db whenever possible. don't worry about things being imperfect, we'll clean it up, but it's easier to do it there than having to track things here on the board and eventually move them to the bugs db.

we've also been working on a new site aimed at open source development at http://dev.processing.org

dev.processing.org is currently incomplete (i.e. the javadoc is still ugly, and some information is missing), but it's a start. also note that we may wind up switching to subversion instead of cvs because of all the headaches that come along with cvs. if it fixes some of our user access problems, that would be huge.

with the launch of dev.processing.org, we'll no longer be using sourceforge. because of generous support from mediatemple, we were able to discontinue use of the sourceforge system which tends to be slow and confusing to use. sourceforge is great, but having another option is even better.

other things to note.. the bugs database is also slowly rolling into use, but as of this writing probably only contains 20-30% of the bugs that are on my todo lists (see processing/todo.txt and processing/core/todo.txt) it takes a long time to enter bugs from a format that i can understand (todo.txt) to something more useful and searchable for others (in the db). i'll keep working on this as i have the time.

we're using bugzilla to keep track of bugs, and many thanks go to florian (fjen) for customizing bugzilla to look like the rest of the processing site, and working to simplify its interface. this work will be continued further for greater simplicity, as it's clear that it's still too confusing for many users.
Re: Status 28 July 2005
Reply #1 - Jul 28th, 2005, 4:03pm
(was getting scared about the long post, so continuing in a second post)

as of now the highest priorities are:

- straightening out the whole "new PGraphics2()" thing that people are having trouble with
- completing the api for recordFrame() and renderers that plug in so that it's easy to write an illustrator, dxf, or pdf writer.
- fixing support for non-ascii characters in user names on windows

i might be missing something but those are the ones off the top of my noggin right this moment.

the first two are priorities because they require structural/api changes, which we want to happen very little (and therefore would like to happen earlier, rather than later) during the beta phase. and the third one is simply very problematic for our international audience.

when will these things be fixed? it could be months or it could be this afternoon, such is the fun of doing a project in your spare time.

that's all for now. phew...
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