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IndexSuggestions & BugsSoftware Bugs › undo suggestions
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undo suggestions (Read 1171 times)
undo suggestions
Apr 21st, 2005, 7:19pm
can't remember what rev this started happening, but it was somewhere around 73-4 i think...undo started getting really sluggish.  or rather, the screen updates during undo started lagging - holding down ctrl-Z would act as if the CPU was choked.

right around the same time, undo history started being cleared when running or saving the sketch.  or maybe that happened a while ago, when the history file was abolished.  would be nice if the undo history would be persistent per session, regardless of saving or running.

also, would be nice if undoing would jump the screen (not the cursor) to the area being undone, so that undos can't happen without the user noticing.
Re: undo suggestions
Reply #1 - May 13th, 2005, 5:34am
can you confirm that the first item is still happening in rev 90?

the second item should be fixed, and the third item has been added to the bugs db.
Re: undo suggestions
Reply #2 - Jul 15th, 2005, 11:58pm
logged in the bugs db and closing thread so followup can happen there instead:
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