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Java versions (Read 2622 times)
Java versions
Jun 22nd, 2005, 10:23am
Just some statistics that people might like to see.

My Zombie4 game has been fairly successful, and downloaded about 168,000 times so far, so I thought I'd check the log sand see what version of Java really are out there in the wild, and I think the results are pretty promising for the future really, Java1.1 seems to be pretty dead, and there's a significant number of peolpe already on 1.5

Java/1.5* - 63,231
Java/1.4* - 88,259
Java1.3*  - 5,324
Java1.2*  - 0
Java1.1*  - 473

Hopefully this will only get better, and so using more advanced features should start to be a real option in the not too distant future.
Re: Java versions
Reply #1 - Jun 22nd, 2005, 10:35am
Nice survey, where did you publish your zombie game? That might give us a hint to the 'target market' since you may not be sampling everyone fairly.
Re: Java versions
Reply #2 - Jun 22nd, 2005, 10:47am
The main source of peolpe is from http://www.addictinggames.com which is just a link site to online games, both java and flash. So there's possibly some skew to mor erecent javas, but nothing excessive I wouldn't have thought.
Re: Java versions
Reply #3 - Jun 22nd, 2005, 6:13pm
Java/1.5* - 63,231
Java/1.4* - 88,259
Java1.3*  - 5,324
Java1.2*  - 0
Java1.1*  - 473

hm, those numbers are pretty different from what i've been getting.

for the last few weeks at http://acg.media.mit.edu/people/fry/zipdecode i've got:
11698 - not installed
7742 - 1.1
329 - 1.3
5154 - 1.4
7668 - 1.5
which i think are a reasonably accurate sampling of generic web users, since it's been posted to some fairly random places and is a ways up in google for "zip code", so a lot of traffic comes from that.

compare that to the processing home page, which for the last few days or so is giving me:
2019 - not installed
2091 - 1.1
417 - 1.3
2760 - 1.4
2365 - 1.5
3 - 1.6
which makes sense because there are a lot less people on 1.1 (because it's an audience more likely to have a later version of java) as well as more people with java actually installed. the higher number for 1.4 vs 1.5 i think it's because of all the mac users. and the 1.3 number stays pretty consistent.

these numbers match what you've got, but i think your 1.1 (and maybe 1.3) numbers are off.. if the piece is built in p5, unless it's done in 91 it's likely to have issues with some 1.1 and 1.3 java vms, and may not be reporting numbers properly (meaning that the applet fails to load, or locks up before it gets a chance to phone home with the result).

in the end, i think 1.1 is still very much around (sadly.. ugh) the numbers for 1.4 and 1.5 are a good sign (though 1.5 is an annoyance since it's so friggin bulky and has so many quirks). however the "not installed" number seems to be on a measured increase over the last year or two because of msft no longer including even java 1.1 in winxp as of sp1a.
Re: Java versions
Reply #4 - Jun 22nd, 2005, 7:12pm
thanks for sharing the statistics ... is there a small community information visualization project lurking here? :p

+ m
Re: Java versions
Reply #5 - Jun 22nd, 2005, 7:30pm
fry wrote on Jun 22nd, 2005, 6:13pm:
these numbers match what you've got, but i think your 1.1 (and maybe 1.3) numbers are off.. if the piece is built in p5, unless it's done in 91 it's likely to have issues with some 1.1 and 1.3 java vms, and may not be reporting numbers properly (meaning that the applet fails to load, or locks up before it gets a chance to phone home with the result).

My stats were taken from my web logs, not from an applet, so get recorded even if the applet doesn't work.
Re: Java versions
Reply #6 - Jun 22nd, 2005, 9:01pm
My stats were taken from my web logs, not from an applet, so get recorded even if the applet doesn't work.

how would you use your log? to look at the .jar file being downloaded? that's gonna be a problem because java 1.1 doesn't always leave a fingerprint in the log... not all versions of 1.1 report themselves as "java 1.1" when they're downloading the .jar (microsoft's appears not to in some cases..)

so if it's downloaded by a 1.1 vm but then cannot run, you won't even see any "java 1.1" instances downloading images or whatever that are used.
Re: Java versions
Reply #7 - Jun 22nd, 2005, 10:54pm
What I mean is I look in the server logs, and see things like:

hardcorepawn.co.uk: [17/Jun/2005:05:36:58 +0100] - - "GET /zombie4/zombie4.jar HTTP/1.1" 200 429444 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (Windows XP 5.1) Java/1.4.2"
hardcorepawn.co.uk: [17/Jun/2005:05:37:43 +0100] - - "GET /zombie4/zombie4.jar HTTP/1.1" 200 429444 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (Windows XP 5.1) Java/1.5.0_02"
hardcorepawn.co.uk: [17/Jun/2005:05:39:34 +0100] - - "GET /zombie4/zombie4.jar HTTP/1.1" 200 429444 "-" "Java1.3.1"
hardcorepawn.co.uk: [17/Jun/2005:05:53:43 +0100] - - "GET /zombie4/zombie4.jar HTTP/1.0" 200 115042 "-" "Java1.1.8"

The java version appears to be reported when the browser gets the .jar file, before it's tried to see if it'll run.

Having had a look, there's about 11000 downloads that don't specify a java version, and 157,000 that do.
Those 11,000 might be java/1.1 old versions of IE.. but the bulk of requests have a java version specified.
Re: Java versions
Reply #8 - Jun 24th, 2005, 7:23am
right, that's what i'm saying. those are java 1.1 downloads.
Re: Java versions
Reply #9 - Jun 24th, 2005, 9:24pm
Whoa. I had no idea Windows doesn't ship java anymore (barely touched a windows machine for a couple of years).
Re: Java versions
Reply #10 - Jun 24th, 2005, 9:31pm
Its a bit of pain windows xp not coming with a version of java, understandable though. Its one of the things I download first on a new build since I always like to check my website over and ithas plenty of applets.

Oh, and on topic:

Flash quotes the NPD online survey where Java apparenetly is isntalled on 87.6% of Internet enabled computers as apposed to Flash plugin installed on 98.3%. Interesting to note that Macromedia Shockwave is only installed on 54.1%.
Re: Java versions
Reply #11 - Jun 24th, 2005, 11:54pm
mkoser wrote on Jun 22nd, 2005, 7:12pm:
thanks for sharing the statistics ... is there a small community information visualization project lurking here :p

+ m

good idea.. i've been wanting to do this for a bit but can't get myself to make the time.. better to enlist the curious and motivated. Wink
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