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Does anyone remember a "magnetic field" (Read 1743 times)
Does anyone remember a "magnetic field"
Jun 20th, 2005, 10:36pm
Several months ago, I was followint a random chain of Processing links, and came upon a script that created a Black and White 2D array of line segments that sort of followed the mouse pointer and made something that looked liek a magnetic field.

Do any of you remember seeing that script, and where it is?
Re: Does anyone remember a "magnetic field&am
Reply #1 - Jun 21st, 2005, 3:39am
Do you mean something similar to this

click with the mouse


found on the exhibition links on the right
Re: Does anyone remember a "magnetic field&am
Reply #2 - Jun 21st, 2005, 2:24pm
Maybe you mean mine, I just found it in the sketchbook of Processing version 0054. It's not online, but here's the code. Warning: this is old code, so you'll need to tweak it a bit before it will run on Processing Beta. Another warning: the code is really weird, I wrote it when I just started programming.

avoidVector[][] vectors = new avoidVector[9][9];
float adjust = 0;

void setup() {
size(200, 200);

for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
vectors[i][j] = new avoidVector(i*20+20, j*20+20, 20);

void loop() {
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {

if (keyPressed) {adjust = PI/2;}
if (mousePressed) {adjust = PI;}
if (!mousePressed && !keyPressed) {adjust = 0;}

void vector(int x, int y, float dir, float len) {
dir = dir - 2*dir - PI;
float x2 = sin(dir) * len + x;
float y2 = cos(dir) * len + y;
line(x, y, x2, y2);

class avoidVector {
int x, y;
float len;

avoidVector(int nx, int ny, float nlen) {
x = nx;
y = ny;
len = nlen;

void update() {
vector(x, y, atan2(mouseY-y, mouseX-x)-PI/2+adjust, len);

fill(255, 0, 0);
ellipse(x, y, 4, 4);

Re: Does anyone remember a "magnetic field&qu
Reply #3 - Jun 22nd, 2005, 5:03am
Those aren't quite it, although they are GREAT!

I think the one I saw was on a hexagonal grid. But I may be imagining it.

Anyway, these are great, and I can get going with them.

Thanks everyone.
Re: Does anyone remember a "magnetic field&am
Reply #4 - Jun 22nd, 2005, 10:40am
If you are looking for the implementation of a hexagonal grid.  This can help you.

Quite a while ago, I had worked on one.  Although the code is a bit messy (it was my first Processing applet!!) hope it helps you.  It may not be the best way, I used no references at all, just a piece of paper an trigonometry.

here's the applet: Hexagonando


edit: this applet has a small bug, where the particles move out of the screen.  but I'm planning to fix these things soon when I update it to P5 BETA, now the code only works with ALPHA.
Re: Does anyone remember a "magnetic field&qu
Reply #5 - Jun 23rd, 2005, 3:31pm
Ricard, that is a very cool sketch.

I noticed right away that the particles drift towards the lower-right corner, so I let it run for a LONG time until they were all packed right down in the corner.

That was a neat effect/bug. Sometimes tha mistakes are more interesting that the original idea!
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