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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › p5 and Carnivore PE
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p5 and Carnivore PE (Read 965 times)
p5 and Carnivore PE
Jun 22nd, 2005, 12:52am

i'm working integrating p5 and Carnivore PE (http://www.rhizome.org/carnivore). In the 69th p5's version all work fine but now im gonna try to move my code to 90 version but it does not work. I post below the basic structure of the client. Does any one know wat's wrong???



Socket socket;
BufferedReader packetreader;
CarnivoreListener CL;
String packet;
String packet_datestamp;
String packet_fromIP;
String packet_fromPort;
String packet_toIP;
String packet_toPort;
void setup(){
 size(800, 200);
 textFont(loadFont("Gungsuh.vlw"), 24);

 //start listening to carnivore
 CL = new CarnivoreListener();

void loop(){
 text("data from Carnivore", 10, 30);

 // "minivore" packet looks like ":CarnivorePE:13:26:02 >"
 //                               carniheader  time     senderIP      port    receiverIP    port
 packet = CL.getPacket();
 text(packet, 10, 50);    
 //println("loop: from=" + from + " to=" + to);

class CarnivoreListener implements Runnable {

   // For connecting to socket
   String Host = "";
   int Port = 6667;

   // Stream stuff
   Socket s;
   DataInputStream in;
   PrintStream out;
   boolean connected = false;
   boolean stopthread = false;

   // Runs the listener
   Thread runner;

   //Packet stuff
   String _packet = "";

   // Start the Carni listener with the output panel as param.
   // Set default connection method to Carnivore Server.
   public CarnivoreListener() {

   // Start/stop the listening loop

   public void startListening() {
       // Start the repaint thread
       runner = new Thread(this);
       stopthread = false;

   public void stopListening() {
       runner = null;
       stopthread = true;        

   // connect to the data source

   public boolean connectToServer() {
       connected = false;

       // default: open Socket
       message("Connecting to host " + Host + ":" + Port + "...");
       try {
               // connect to server socket
               s = new Socket(Host,Port);
               // to read from server
               in = new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream());
               // to send to server
               out = new PrintStream(s.getOutputStream());
               message("Connected to " + Host + ":" + Port);
               connected = true;
           catch (Exception e) {
               message("connect(): " + e);
               connected = false;
       return connected;

   public void disconnectFromServer() {
       try {
           if (out != null) {
           if (in != null) {
       catch (IOException e) {
           message("Error when closing inputStream: " + e);
       connected = false;

   public String getPacket() {
return _packet;

   // Thread runs in two states
   // 1) loop until connected to server
   // 2) read lines until thread stops or socket fails
   //    if socket fails, return to state 1.
   public void run() {
       String line;
       connected = false;
       while (stopthread==false) {
           // Get connection
           while (connected==false && stopthread==false) {
               if (connectToServer() == false) {
                       Thread.sleep(60000);  // retry in 60 secs
                   } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                       message("Interrupted: " + e);
           // Read lines from Carni Server
           try {
               byte bb=0;
               while (connected==true && stopthread==false) {
                   line = in.readLine();
                   if (line == null) {
                   _packet = line;
                   // Yield a little time for repaint operations to work
           catch (Exception e) {
               message("Error when listening to " + Host + " " + Port + ": " + e);
           finally {
               message("Connection closed by server.");
               // will loop back to connectToServer() to retry connection every 10 secs

   public void message(String msg) {
       System.out.println("CarnivoreListener: " + msg);

public void stop(){


Re: p5 and Carnivore PE
Reply #1 - Jun 22nd, 2005, 6:39pm
please don't double post.
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