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Strange Output from Spiral Code (Read 3942 times)
Strange Output from Spiral Code
Jun 19th, 2005, 4:24am
Below is a long-winded algorithm to do a rather simple task. What I imagined from the start was something to dump an array of points starting at the center and spiraling outward, so that I could quickly write applets which used these points for mapping something linear to a radial display.

Originally I had a rather bland loop for drawing a very tight spiral that grew very slowly in order to hit every pixel on the screen. Most loop cycles were wasted because it hit the same pixel again and again, but I couldn't speed it up otherwise I'd get holes in the spiral.

So I wondered how hard it would be to write a loop in which each iteration yielded a new point on my spiral, without dealing anything but the simplest of trigonometry - the distance formula (does this even count as trig?). My original plan was as follows:

1. Start in the very center of the applet.
2. Evaluate the surrounding 8 pixels and eliminate those that have already been used.
3. Determine each of the unused pixels' distances to the center.
4. If one is obviously the closest, use that one and start the loop over again.
5. If two or more are tied for closeness, randomly pick one and start the loop over again.

So I wrote all these rules up and put them into overly complicated code and ran it. Rather than building a circular spiral, it seems to build kind of an octagon and switches directions frequently. It's very odd behavior, and I can't figure out what exactly is causing it other than the use of randomness to solve conflicts. Perhaps it's because it tries to find the closest pixel to the exact center of the applet, which isn't a pixel itself.

(And yeah, I realize that this will fail the instant it hits the edge of the applet...)

int x, y;

void setup() {
 size(500, 500);
 x = (int)Math.round(width / 2);
 y = (int)Math.round(height / 2);

void draw() {
 int[][] choices = { { x - 1, y - 1 }, { x, y - 1 }, { x + 1, y - 1 },
                     { x - 1, y     }, /* CENTER */  { x + 1, y     },
                     { x - 1, y + 1 }, { x, y + 1 }, { x + 1, y + 1 } };
 float[] distances = new float[8];
 // Eliminate choices out of bounds and find the distance from the center
 for(int i = 0; i < 8; i ++) {
   if(choices[i][0] < 0 || choices[i][0] >= width || choices[i][1] < 0 || choices[i][1] >= height) {
     choices[i][0] = 0xDEADBEEF;
     choices[i][1] = 0xFEEDFACE;
   } else {
     distances[i] = dist(choices[i][0], choices[i][1], width / 2, height / 2);
 // Are any of them already taken?
 for(int i = 0; i < 8; i ++) {
   if(get(choices[i][0], choices[i][1]) != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
     choices[i][0] = 0xDEADBEEF;
     choices[i][1] = 0xFEEDFACE;
 // Try to find the shortest distance
 float shortestDist = 0xADDEDBAD;
 int   shortestIndx = 0xC0DEDBAD;
 for(int i = 0; i < 8; i ++) {
   if(choices[i][0] != 0xDEADBEEF && choices[i][1] != 0xFEEDFACE) {
     if(distances[i] < shortestDist || (shortestDist == 0xADDEDBAD && shortestIndx == 0xC0DEDBAD)) {
       shortestDist = distances[i];
       shortestIndx = i;
     } else if(distances[i] == shortestDist) {
       shortestIndx = 0xC0DEDBAD;
 // Pick our good one
 int choiceIndx = 0xC0DEBABE;
 // If there was a shortest, go with it
 if(shortestDist != 0xADDEDBAD && shortestIndx != 0xC0DEDBAD) {
   choiceIndx = shortestIndx;

 // Otherwise, we'll pick one randomly
 } else if(shortestDist != 0xADDEDBAD) {
   // Some are tied for shortest distance
   int randIndx = (int)random(0, 8);
   while(distances[randIndx] != shortestDist || (choices[randIndx][0] == 0xDEADBEEF && choices[randIndx][1] == 0xFEEDFACE))
     randIndx = (int)random(0, 8);
   choiceIndx = randIndx;
 } else {
   // I don't think we should ever reach this point
   println("Something went horribly wrong...");
 // We're done with this pixel
 if(choiceIndx != 0xC0DEBABE) {
   x = choices[choiceIndx][0];
   y = choices[choiceIndx][1];
   set(x, y, color(0));
 } else {
    println("We seem to have reached an unexpected point.");
 if(!testCorners()) {

boolean testCorners() {
 if(get(0, 0) == 0xFFFFFFFF) return true;
 if(get(width - 1, 0) == 0xFFFFFFFF) return true;
 if(get(0, height - 1) == 0xFFFFFFFF) return true;
 if(get(width - 1, height - 1) == 0xFFFFFFFF) return true;
 return false;
Re: Strange Output from Spiral Code
Reply #1 - Jun 20th, 2005, 6:10am
Interesting. I added some debugging code so I could see what it was thinking each step of the way. On the first iteration, we have 8 pixels surrounding the center pixel. Each should be the same distance away, but we find that this isn't true:

 (249, 249)   == 1.4142135 pixels from center
>(250, 249)< == 1.0 pixels from center
(251, 249) == 1.4142135 pixels from center
?(249, 250)? == 1.0 pixels from center
?(251, 250)? == 1.0 pixels from center
(249, 251) == 1.4142135 pixels from center
?(250, 251)? == 1.0 pixels from center
(251, 251) == 1.4142135 pixels from center

These are the coordinates of each possible pixel, with >< indicating the chosen one and ?? indicating the pixels with the same distance as that one. This is likely the key to my problem, but I can't really blame the function for it. I'd have to come up with my own routine...
Re: Strange Output from Spiral Code
Reply #2 - Jun 20th, 2005, 12:05pm
It's really obvious the diagonal pixels from the center are further away, because basically you're measuring 1 pixel on the top, bottom, left and right pixels (1 square away) and 1.41 on the topright, topleft, bottomright, bottomleft pixels, because its a diagonal square away (sqrt(2)). You should incorporate these distances in your algo.

Re: Strange Output from Spiral Code
Reply #3 - Jun 21st, 2005, 10:55pm
Yah... This version uses the "pixel distance" (as in, number of pixels Bresenham's line-drawing algorithm would plot), which creates a square rather than a circle...

It also removes randomness altogether by rearranging points counter-clockwise based on the last point encountered, so that it constantly moves in one direction.

int ax, ay; // Current pixel under evaluation
int bx, by; // Last evaluated pixel

// Maps our array of coordinates counter-clockwise
int[][] clockmap = { { 3, 5, 6, 7, 4, 2, 1 },
{ 0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 4, 2 },
{ 1, 0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 4 },
{ 5, 6, 7, 4, 2, 1, 0 },
{ 2, 1, 0, 3, 5, 6, 7 },
{ 6, 7, 4, 2, 1, 0, 3 },
{ 7, 4, 2, 1, 0, 3, 5 },
{ 4, 2, 1, 0, 3, 5, 6 } };

void setup() {
size(500, 500);

// Start in the center
bx = (int)Math.round(width / 2);
by = (int)Math.round(height / 2);
set(bx, by, color(0));

// Move outward one pixel
ax = bx + 1;
ay = by;

void draw() {
// Mark our current position
set(ax, ay, color(0));

// These are the possible points to choose from
int[][] pxls = { { ax - 1, ay - 1 }, { ax, ay - 1 }, { ax + 1, ay - 1 },
{ ax - 1, ay }, /* CENTER, */ { ax + 1, ay },
{ ax - 1, ay + 1 }, { ax, ay + 1 }, { ax + 1, ay + 1 } };

// Determine which of the possible points is the one we were last in
int bidx = 0xC0DEDBAD;
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i ++) {
if(pxls[i][0] == bx && pxls[i][1] == by) {
bidx = i;

// Re-map the possible points based on our counter-clockwise map
int[][] ccwpxls = new int[7][2];
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i ++) {
ccwpxls[i][0] = pxls[ clockmap[bidx][i] ][0];
ccwpxls[i][1] = pxls[ clockmap[bidx][i] ][1];

// Remove any impossible points
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i ++) {
int x = ccwpxls[i][0];
int y = ccwpxls[i][1];

// Is it out of bounds?
if(x < 0 || x >= width || y < 0 || y >= height) {
ccwpxls[i][0] = 0xDEADBEEF;
ccwpxls[i][1] = 0xFEEDFACE;

// Has it already been evaluated?
color c = get(x, y);
if((c | 0xFF000000) != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
ccwpxls[i][0] = 0xDEADBEEF;
ccwpxls[i][1] = 0xFEEDFACE;

// Calculate each point's distance from the center
int[] dists = new int[7];
int mindist = 0xC0DEDBAD;
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i ++) {
dists[i] = pxlDist(ccwpxls[i][0], ccwpxls[i][1]);
if(dists[i] < mindist || i == 0)
mindist = dists[i];

// Void any points that are not the closest
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i ++) {
if(dists[i] > mindist) {
ccwpxls[i][0] = 0xDEADBEEF;
ccwpxls[i][1] = 0xFEEDFACE;

// Look for the first non-voided point
int nextidx = 0xC0DEDBAD;
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i ++) {
if(ccwpxls[i][0] != 0xDEADBEEF && ccwpxls[i][1] != 0xFEEDFACE) {
nextidx = i;

// Plot the point and move on
if(nextidx != 0xC0DEDBAD) {
bx = ax; by = ay;
ax = ccwpxls[nextidx][0];
ay = ccwpxls[nextidx][1];
} else {
println("Something horrible has happened!");

int pxlDist(int x, int y) {
int cx = (int)Math.round(width / 2);
int cy = (int)Math.round(height / 2);
return max(abs(x - cx), abs(y - cy));
//return (int)Math.round(dist(x, y, cx, cy));

Any idea of another way to measure distance so that I get a circular shape, rather than one that creates squares or octagons?

(I understand why it's doing what it's doing, my problem is how to fix it!)
Re: Strange Output from Spiral Code
Reply #4 - Jun 22nd, 2005, 1:49am
Hey rgovostes,

I made this applet:
Which draws an almost perfect circle by spiraling around adding a pixel to each side as it goes.

I figured you needed the correct spiral code to get what you originally wanted.. and I found Archimedes Spiral.

Nice simple maths:
radius = constant * theta;

And then plotting a polar coordinate:
x1 = int(r * cos(theta)) + width/2;
y1 = int(r * sin(theta)) + height/2;

It forms pretty much a perfect circle as it spirals out. It relies on redundancy to make sure it doesn't miss any pixels.

To reduce redundancy I use this thinking:
- Calculate coordinate of new pixel
- (If new pixel is already black (set) Then chances are next pixel will be too)
- Multiply the amount we increment by to increase the chance of of a blank slot
- Loop from top until blank slot found
- Set pixel as black
- Reset increment
- Loop from top

The value I used to multiply the increment by is 1.04; in this example. Multiplying by 1.05 missed a few pixels out at larger scales.
The other factor involved with missing pixels was the size of the initial increment, which I set to 0.00005, so that even at large radii pixels weren't skipped.

For smaller radii 'circles' e.g. 35 pixels diameter you can afford to increase the increment to 0.005 and the increment multiplier to 1.2;

My applet includes a speed up feature, keys 1-7... and a check to stop processing if x and y are out of bounds.
Re: Strange Output from Spiral Code
Reply #5 - Jun 22nd, 2005, 2:58am
I modified my code so that it stores its values in a boolean[][] array instead of pixels. Idealy I guess I want to write my code into a mini class that handled its own values for theta and had its own check array based on any sort of array supplied by the user.

(I shoulda called it spiralArrayAccess).
Re: Strange Output from Spiral Code
Reply #6 - Jun 22nd, 2005, 4:56am
The redundancy problems were the reason I went on this crazy route in the first place, but it seems you've done a great job of reducing it. Kudos! This surely will come in handy Smiley
Re: Strange Output from Spiral Code
Reply #7 - Jun 22nd, 2005, 10:41am
I thought up some checks so you can see how bad redundancy is, and its not that harsh;

In my original program I had a speed option which looped the checks inside a whie loop until a certain number of 'hits' were acheived. If at the same time you counted 'steps', you had two values - the number of steps performed, and the number of actual hits.

You could then have a ratio between the number of hits and the number of steps required to get a hit. I don't think it fell below 3:1 (3 steps to 1 hit), it it got more efficient (but greater chance of missing) as the spiral expanded outwards.

Further analysis might lead to a more efficient algorithm.
Re: Strange Output from Spiral Code
Reply #8 - Jun 23rd, 2005, 5:20am
I adapted your code to print out an approximation of how much theta had to increment before the next pixel was hit. Then I stuck these values in my graphing calculator and tried to find a correlation between them, but they seemed to be pretty random.

1.3400307, 1.4200325, 1.4700336, 0.10000229, 1.3900318, 1.5100346, 1.5200348, 0.8600197, 1.3500309, 0.85001945, 0.5900135, 0.0700016, 0.88002014, 0.5200119, 0.20000458, 0.82001877, 0.47001076, 1.0800247, 0.43000984, 1.5200348, 1.5200348, 0.5900135, 0.5900135, 0.34999084, 0.49991608, 0.089984894, ... 

While playing with it, I had the idea of reversing the equation so that given an (x, y) coordinate, it would return the theta value used to compute it. Then you could sort the list of pixels by the corresponding theta value and have an array.

The code below does this (kind of) almost instantly. I messed up my math somewhere (or I made a false assumption) so rather than drawing a spiral makes a pinwheel. The sorting method is probably less than ideal.

float[][] table;

void setup() {
 size(200, 200);


void populateTable() {
 println("Populating table for " + width + " x " + height);

 table = new float[width * height][2];
 float cx = width / 2;
 float cy = height / 2;
 for(int x = 0; x < width; x ++)
 for(int y = 0; y < height; y ++) {
   float r = dist(x, y, cx, cy);
   float theta = atan((y - cy) / (x - cx));
   theta += 0.1 * r;
   table[y * width + x][0] = theta; // Value
   table[y * width + x][1] = y * width + x; // Pixel index
 println("Table populated!");

void draw() {
 float minimum = -1;
 int minindx = -1;
 for(int j = 0; j < table.length; j ++) {
   if((table[j][0] < minimum || minindx == -1) && table[j][0] > -1) {
     minimum = table[j][0];
     minindx = j;
 if(minimum == -1 || minindx == -1) {
 // No longer a valid point
 table[minindx][0] = -1;
 pixels[(int)table[minindx][1]] = color(0);
Re: Strange Output from Spiral Code
Reply #9 - Jun 23rd, 2005, 5:30am
Simple error... Change
    theta += 0.1 * r 

    theta += (r / 0.1) - theta; 

... and it works fine. It does not fill in the center pixel though - an easily corrected problem. Other than that it's quite speedy and accurate.

In the above code, 0.1 represents the value of a, which I didn't bother defining as a variable.

Edit: Err, "theta += (r / 0.1) - theta;" is awfully redundant. You could just say "theta = 10 * r" and skip the atan stuff. Seems to work, but kind of defeats a lot of thought I put into this. Also corrects the center dot problem...

Edit again: Closer observation of its behavior shows that it doesn't actually spiral at all. Argh! I'll figure it out one of these days :)
Re: Strange Output from Spiral Code
Reply #10 - Jun 23rd, 2005, 8:21pm
This paper is fairly technical, but it looks like it shows you EXACTLY how to generate spirals, and does not need to look at every-single pixel in the window, so it should be much faster.


Take a crack at it, and then I can help you get your sketch working.

I'm very new to processing sketch writing, so I can't write anything much myself, but I'll help you understand the algorithm stuff if you need it.
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