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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpIntegration › java -cp from another directory: how
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java -cp from another directory: how? (Read 1456 times)
java -cp from another directory: how?
Jun 1st, 2005, 7:41am
Hello all

I'm stuck at a silly task.

I have a sketch at e:\presentation\sketches\sketch1

It's a .jar that can run outside processing, following fry's directions.

When I call java -cp sketch1.jar sketch1, everything works fine - if I'm at the sketch1 directory.

My problem is: I need to call the sketch from the presentation directory. It sounds dumb, but it doesn't work.

I can't change the directory; I'm using a flash wrapper to manage all the content. I need to call the sketch withouth leaving the presentation directory. I need to use relative addressing.

I tried to create a .bat file, but nothing works: when calling the sketch from somewhere else, it stops working.

Any directions or ideas to do this?

really thanks. I seriously need a solution for this hassle...
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