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IndexSuggestions & BugsSoftware Bugs › java2d renderer and curveVertex()
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java2d renderer and curveVertex() (Read 901 times)
java2d renderer and curveVertex()
May 12th, 2005, 2:05am
there seems to be a bug in the curveVertex() function in the java2d renderer:


// not sure where this code originally came from ...
// anybody claims it? lunetta?

int counter;
int t; // time
float xa, xb, x, y; // coordinates
float wx, wy, ws; // frequencies
float px, py, ps; // phases
float d; //decay
float Ax, Ay, As; // Amplitudes

void setup()
//size (600,600, P3D);
size (600,600);

t = 0;
d = 0.003;
counter = 0;
wx = 440;
wy = 440;
ws = 440;
px = 4;
py = 2;
ps = 3;
Ax = 250;
Ay= 250;
As = 250;

void draw()
Ax = Ax - Ax*d;
Ay = Ay - Ay*d;
As = As - As*d;
xa = Ax*sin(wx*t+px);
y = height/2 + Ay*sin(wy*t+py);
xb = As*sin(ws*t+ps);
x = width/2 + xa+xb;
//println("x: "+x+" y: "+y);

in java2d mode the spiral is draw incorrect. OPENGL and P3D both work fine.

Re: java2d renderer and curveVertex()
Reply #1 - May 12th, 2005, 7:40am
found and fixed for 91.
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