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no Start (Read 1824 times)
no Start
Apr 23rd, 2005, 12:00am

the program does not start.I always obtain this message :
"An error occurred while creating a new sketch. Processing must now quit".

Thank you for your assistance.
Re: no Start
Reply #1 - Apr 23rd, 2005, 1:03am
oh yuck.. that's one of those messages that i was hoping would never appear.

in order to debug this, could you
1) include more info about your platform/os etc (i'm guessing you're on windows)
2) try running using run.bat, but first change the line that says "javaw" to say "java"
3) and start run.bat from inside a command prompt. in doing so, make a note of the error that gets spewed out to the prompt area when this happens, and post the full contents for me.

other questions:
1) has it ever run for you at all?
2) if so, did you change your sketch folder to something that no longer exists? (hm, i wonder if i'm checking for that)
3) are you using a non-english OS? or do you have non-ascii characters in your user name?
Re: no Start
Reply #2 - Apr 24th, 2005, 2:56am
I am under Windows XP, in French.  The name of the user was "propriétaire" with é letter not Ascii.  I changed the name of the user into "jack".  But run.bat gives again "owner" although the name of the session is changed.  And the file documents/jack/... is not created.
Merci de votre aide, et excusez mon anglais de cuisine
Re: no Start
Reply #3 - Apr 24th, 2005, 6:17am
yeah changing the name to jack prolly won't do much, could you try (just using your regular user account):

2) try running using run.bat, but first change the line that says "javaw" to say "java"
3) and start run.bat from inside a command prompt. in doing so, make a note of the error that gets spewed out to the prompt area when this happens, and post the full contents for me.

and see what sort of errors you get? this is likely to be a problem for many non-english speakers so it'd be good to get it straightened out...
Re: no Start
Reply #4 - Apr 24th, 2005, 4:47pm
I changed javaw into java.
 There is progress:  processing opened while clicking on run.bat I charged a simple example.  With the excécution of this source, I obtained in DOS window  the following message:  Error:  the directory specified in the "- D" option, "C:\Documents and Settings\propriètaire \ Application Data\Processing\build is invalid gold is could No Be expanded  

  In addition, I created another account user, with an ASCII name.  And I have unzip Processing.  Processing is ok under these conditions

My problem thus changed nature.  How to make function Processing in my account usual user?
Re: no Start
Reply #5 - Apr 24th, 2005, 4:56pm
ok, i think that's what i needed to know.. i'll look into it further.

try this:
1) put processing in the root of your C:\ drive
2) delete the folder C:\Documents and Settings\propriètaire\Application Data\Processing
3) open processing/lib/preferences.txt and un-comment the line (remove the # in front of it) that reads:
(not settings.path.fallback, just settings.path)
4) try running processing. you'll probably also need to change your sketchbook path (inside preferences) if that gives you trouble as well.
Re: no Start
Reply #6 - Apr 27th, 2005, 12:45am
I did not succeed in making function processing while following your corrections.  I will thus use processing in a session of ASCII name, created especially.
Thank you for your solicitude.  Thank you for your fantastic work.
Re: no Start
Reply #7 - May 13th, 2005, 3:28am
closing thread because this is now added to the new bugs database, and all followup should happen there.
the link will work once we've moved to the new site.
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