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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Exporting Problem with Jsyn
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Exporting Problem with Jsyn (Read 1438 times)
Exporting Problem with Jsyn
Apr 22nd, 2005, 3:43am


The "simpack" folder goes under "libraries" and
the other folder goes under the sketch directory.
When the code is "played", it works correctly (you'll
hear sound samples from Jsyn (assuming that you have
it installed), and you will see circles of different

The beta version of Processing, however, does not
export correctly since the resulting index.html file
shows pieces of the code in the html file, and
the applet does not show/play.

Re: Exporting Problem with Jsyn
Reply #1 - Apr 22nd, 2005, 8:08pm
I get a similar thing. It would be great if it would be fixed.

I'm experimenting with liveinput via Sonia and it works out great when I just run the sketch but it doesn't produce the outcome when I export it and view it in a browser (IE6).

Grz, Kris.
Re: Exporting Problem with Jsyn
Reply #2 - May 5th, 2005, 8:44pm
This still has not been fixed as of 87 (FYI).
The applets work fine, but exporting is still
broken, at least for jsyn code.

The first really obvious problem is the display
of the created index.html file: take a look at
it, and you will see that there is a huge amount
of code (from the .pde file) listed on the web
page itself.

I created the simplest possible Jsyn example
in http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~fishwick/proc/jsyn.zip
Extract into your code area. Run it to produce
a simple tone. Try to export - it does not produce
the symptom of a web page full of code fragment,
but it also does not produce any sound.
Re: Exporting Problem with Jsyn
Reply #3 - May 7th, 2005, 8:05pm
1) make sure you have size() as the very first thing in your setup(). it says as much in the docs, otherwise you're going to have problems because it may cause all of your sound init stuff to run twice.

2) the reason that bits of the code are included in your file is that the first multi-line /** comment is going to be inserted into the web page. because they're inconsistent in your app, it's getting confused. just put something above setup like:
* jsyn test thing
above setup and you should be fine. (if you find that to be a problem, please post as a separate thread)

3) all i'm getting on my machine error-wise is a NoClassDefError because i don't have jsyn installed, whcih would tell me that the export is working fine, however i don't use jsyn so i can't say for sure. when running in the browser, check the java console to see what error it's giving you so that we can actually debug this.
Re: Exporting Problem with Jsyn
Reply #4 - May 9th, 2005, 6:33pm
That seems to have fixed it -thanks. I think
I also had screwed up my jsyn environment for
web pages in general. I reinstalled it (Jsyn)
and fixed the comments, and put size() where
it is supposed to be.
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