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IndexSuggestions & BugsSoftware Bugs › Archive Sketch
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Archive Sketch (Read 1179 times)
Archive Sketch
May 4th, 2005, 8:21am

It seems when multiple tabs are used, and the open tab is not the first, archive sketch will zip just the open tab and also miss the data folder of the sketch rather than zipping the whole sketch folder..

Apologies if this is known (i only looked quickly) or I have misunderstood the intended function of Archive Sketch but based on how it works when there is just one tab this seems unusual.


PS this is my first post since beta, so well done and thanks.. keep on truckin!
Re: Archive Sketch
Reply #1 - May 4th, 2005, 6:00pm
hm, that seems really strange.. are you sure? has anyone else tried this?

i'll put it on the list to check on it.
Re: Archive Sketch
Reply #2 - May 5th, 2005, 5:49am
Ok - I may have been a little hasty to post yesterday - I've since tested a little and haven't been able to replicate this problem. Now that I try it again archive sketch seems to work fine- the zip includes the root sketch folder and all contents regardless of which tab is open.. just 'one' of 'those things' i think.

Re: Archive Sketch
Reply #3 - May 5th, 2005, 3:59pm
hm, ok.. perhaps you hadn't yet saved the sketch before archiving? though that wouldn't explain why the data folder went missing.
Re: Archive Sketch
Reply #4 - May 7th, 2005, 4:18am
i'm gonna have archive sketch now save before archiving just to be sure, but i'm gonna close the thread since it seems to be a freak thing.
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