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Posts: 139
Inconsistent freezing
May 2nd, 2005, 7:20pm
Okay, I realize this is going to be a difficult one to track down, but here it goes.
Sometimes, on projects that use any combination of the Sonia Library and Powermate Library (cant find consistent results), the applet will work the first time it is run, but once I quit it and try to run it again, Processing freezes up, no errors end up in my console log, and I have to force quit.
At first I thought it was just the powermates, since the library was written a while ago blah blah, but with projects that use the powermate library and no sonia, it seems to work fine. For projects that use just sonia, it seems to work fine. But sometimes, on specific projects, the 2 combined just dont work.
So, is there something I can do to help narrow down the problem? I cant publicly distribute the powermate library just yet (working on it), but I just don't know how to track down the problem because I get no feedback as to what isn't quitting properly or what is freezing up.
BTW, forgot to mention, this is on Processing v.86 using the recently updated Tiger OS for Mac. This problem seems to be associated with Tiger more than the Processing update.