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IndexSuggestions & BugsSoftware Bugs › failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
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failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8) (Read 3934 times)
failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Apr 21st, 2005, 9:53pm
Just discovered the update and downloaded - I didn't spot this error anywhere so unless it's listed under an obscure subject, I'll assume it's unknown.

In Jaguar 10.2.8, all sketches fail to run with the following error

dyld: /Applications/processing-0085/jikes can't open library: /sw/lib/libiconv.2.dylib  (No such file or directory, errno = 2)

This is 100% reproducible, 100% of the time, on this machine.

I assume that this is because the directory /sw does not exist.
Re: failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Reply #1 - Apr 23rd, 2005, 11:24pm
Nobody else seeing this problem?

Perhaps I have a problem with my java installation?
Re: failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Reply #2 - Apr 23rd, 2005, 11:59pm
I've run the Apple Java 1.4.1 updater just to be sure (as far as I know this is the most recent version available to 10.2.8 ). The version number that shows up in processing (0068 ) is 1.3.1. Is that normal?

There's still no /sw folder. Java files seem to be installed in /usr/bin. Also, a search for all files reveals that the only libiconv.2.dylib on this machine is an alias to libiconv.2.1.0.dylib - both files belong to PHP.

I'm a java neophyte so I don't know if what I'm looking at is a normal state of affairs - only that I don't have this problem with 0068. I'd very much like to get the alpha running if there is a way to do that. Any advice at all would be appreciated.

Let me know if you want more system information.
Re: failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Reply #3 - Apr 24th, 2005, 6:28am
hm, sounds like a conflict with php just like the problem with fink from the faq: http://processing.org/faq/bugs.html#nostart

try opening up your terminal and typing "ls /sw" and see if it displays anything (sometimes the folder is hidden).

these are the very sort of things we'd really like to avoid with processing (bizarre technical details for getting the compiler to work) so i'm quite interested in finding a solution to what's going on here.

it could be that you've just got an old fink installation that you were perhaps not aware of, and it just needs an update.
Re: failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Reply #4 - Apr 24th, 2005, 8:22am
Thanks for the answer fry. I did look at the faq but somehow I managed to miss that bit.

/sw doesn't show up
ls: /sw: No such file or directory

I had considered installing fink sometime around a couple of years ago. I'm 99% certain that I didn't follow through with it. A search on all files for fink doesn't show up anything telling.

When I said that the libiconv files belong to PHP, what I mean is that they are both located in /usr/local/php/lib. As I said in the earlier post, there's no libiconv file located anywhere else (searching with visibility set to all).

It's been a long time since I set up PHP on this machine. I may be using the original apple installation or I may have downloaded and installed the entropy.ch package (4.3.4) - I'm not sure if there's a way to check that (if it makes a difference).
Re: failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Reply #5 - Apr 24th, 2005, 4:00pm
could you paste the result from
echo $PATH
in a terminal into here?

you haven't replaced the version of jikes that's included with the download, right? and you haven't installed your own copy of jikes?

it seems as though there's an old version of libiconv that's registered with your os, and so jikes decides to use that.. but it doesn't exist and that causes trouble.

could you check the following too:
ls -l /usr/local/php/lib
and see if the libiconv is a symlink to somewhere in /sw or if it's actually there.

are you running on a non-english version of osx?

on my laptop here i've got libiconv in /usr/lib on my machine. i wonder where/how it showed up if it's missing from yours. perhaps the developer tools? (we may have to start shipping libiconv with processing if that's the case.. there's no way we're gonna make people install the dev tools)
Re: failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Reply #6 - Apr 24th, 2005, 4:07pm
ahhh.. i've found it! i was misreading your 10.2.8 as 10.3.8, and should've been looking for differences with 10.2 and 10.3.

i googled around a bit and found that libiconv isn't included with 10.2 (but it is with 10.3). this person has built a version of it for 10.2 along with a packaged installer:

i've not tried it as i don't have a 10.2 machine to test on, but you might try and give it a shot. maybe we'll start shipping this installer for the 10.2 folks.
Re: failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Reply #7 - Apr 24th, 2005, 8:36pm
I ran the installer - there are now three new files in /usr/local/lib


and two aliases to it


But jikes has a new error message:

dyld: /Applications/processing-0085/jikes version mismatch for library: /usr/local/lib/libiconv.2.dylib (compatibility version of user: 5.0.0 greater than library's version: 4.0.0)

I can't figure out from this message whether the new libiconv is too old or too new.
Re: failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Reply #8 - Apr 24th, 2005, 9:33pm
nuts.. actually what about replacing the jikes from processing with the jikes that's included with macosx? that error message is bizarre, i'm guessing that that the installer version of libiconv is old.

i think a version is included in /usr/lib/jikes, though that may also just be after you've installed the dev tools.

if you don't have it on your machine, maybe try poaching the version of jikes from processing rev 69?

need to find myself a spare old mac so that i can run 10.2 on it so i can actually test and resolve these things quickly Undecided
Re: failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Reply #9 - Apr 24th, 2005, 9:52pm
OK, so I have some success.

In rev 0085 I swapped jikes (2.8 MB) for a freshly downloaded jikes from 0069 (16 MB) and ran a quick test:

void setup(){

and it ran fine. Then I swapped it for the copy of jikes that I have in /usr/bin (1.6 MB) and restarted Processing. Running the same code, the run button highlights and stays lit, but nothing else happens (for about five minutes now) - no window appears and no error message gets output though the processing application itself seems not to have crashed.

I can swap back to the 0085 jikes and carry out a few more tests - is there anything that I should be looking for?
Re: failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Reply #10 - Apr 24th, 2005, 10:37pm
since using the jikes version from 69 works, i think we'll call that our "interim workaround" and go with that until i can get a 10.2 machine set up and build a fresh copy of jikes from there. i'll make a note on the faq.

supposedly jikes can be built to not require libiconv, but my attempt at that failed, so it'll have to wait until i have more time.
Re: failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Reply #11 - Apr 24th, 2005, 10:44pm
It seems to be working very well now. I just spent a few minutes porting accross a script I'd been writing in 0068 and the only trouble I've had so far is that the syntax for copy() described in the beta documentation

copy(srcImg, sx, sy, swidth, sheight, dx, dy, dwidth, dheight) 

needs to be:

 destImg.copy(srcImg, sx, sy, swidth, sheight, dx, dy, dwidth, dheight) 

but I assume that this is a minor oversight in the documentation.

That aside, am I likely to run into any problems or differences using this other copy of jikes? I'm assuming it's an older version... the dramatic change in filesizes between 0069 and 0085 leads me to think that there must be some differences in the way that the compiler operates.
Re: failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Reply #12 - Apr 24th, 2005, 10:55pm
the compiler runs a little differently, but hopefully not too badly. the file size is because it was a debug build (from their cvs source) and hadn't been cleared out and optimized.

you might get a few times that it crashes and says "please post this code to processing.org/bugs" which is just because of bugs in that release. i'm gonna try to get a 10.2 machine setup asap so we won't have to worry about the stuff.

re: the copy() issues, could you post that over in the section on website/reference?
Re: failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Reply #13 - Apr 24th, 2005, 11:10pm
fry wrote on Apr 24th, 2005, 10:55pm:
re: the copy() issues, could you post that over in the section on website/reference

Sure thing.

Thanks a whole lot for taking the time to help me get my installation sorted out. I'd been really looking forward to playing with the new features and now I can, at last. Let me know when you need someone to test on Jaguar.
Re: failure to run any or all sketches (10.2.8)
Reply #14 - May 1st, 2005, 8:13am
k, so it appears that the huge size of jikes may have to do with it pulling in all the libs to make it useful on 10.2 (or the 10.2 version of gcc not really optimizing things), but i'm gonna move back to using a version of jikes that's built on 10.2 (and also runs on 10.3) for rev 86, even though it's enormous. i'd rather have things working out of the box rather than telling 10.2 users the read the faq for cryptic instructions on how to get things working.
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