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IndexSuggestions & BugsSoftware Bugs › Save As... almost (first time it's hit me)
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Save As... almost (first time it's hit me) (Read 1440 times)
Save As... almost (first time it's hit me)
Apr 19th, 2005, 11:08pm
Performed a "Save As" that didn't quite take. The save action completed and the main tab was renamed, however the "Save Needed" notice was displaying. Attempting to do a basic save didn't clear the notice so I closed Processing and reopened. When I reopened P5 I was presented with an empty sketch and the renamed sketch wasn't in my sketch list. I dove into the my sketchbook directory and I found that a sketch folder was created and named properly. Inside the folder I found PDEs for all of my tabs except the main tab. Thoughts?


Working with v.85 on Windows XP with Java 5.0, sorry, forgot to include that info.

Kristian Damkjer
Re: Save As... almost (first time it's hit me)
Reply #1 - Apr 19th, 2005, 11:51pm
my thought would be that i crammed in fixes to "save as" late in the evening while i was getting beta pushed out and may have goofed something.

i'll get on this one and try to fix asap. bugs that kill code are serious...
Re: Save As... almost (first time it's hit me)
Reply #2 - May 2nd, 2005, 3:42am
sorry for the delay on this one.. the fix is now ready to go for rev 86, and should be tested much more thoroughly this time thanks to fjen.
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