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Topic: help building the site + technotes (Read 523 times) |

help building the site + technotes
« on: Apr 25th, 2003, 1:23am » |
taking into account what Martin did in this post http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/board_proce55ing_website_a_ction_display_num_1047729396.html i was wondering if there's a way we (me, myself and the whole webdesign community) can help develop the website... i know the risks of it (getting out-of-sync, lack of uniformity et. al.) but it could be a way of getting it rolling faster, and take some weight out of REAS' shoulders. let me (us) know if there's a way. also, i was wondering if there's a way of doing something like a tooltips/TechNotes section, i mean particular cases discussed in a tutorial way (as you may find in macromedia, adobe and other software sites), searchable. there we could make some, deriving from our own experiences (i.e. problems) and contributing to others not having to go through them. well, there goes an arrow. let me know if there's a bullseye for it.
pollux | www.frwrd.net
Re: help building the site + technotes
« Reply #1 on: Apr 25th, 2003, 10:57am » |
I would really love to have a co-developer for the website. We would like the help of many people, but we first need tools to manage this kind of support. The website currently needs a Perl developer to write these tools. The Reference and Examples sections are currently automated, but the rest of the site is hand-coded. A simple .xml format has been created for each entry to the Language Reference, Happenings, Tutorials, and Software section. A few days of writing Perl scripts can allow for all these sections to be updated online by a small group of editors. This is not difficult for me, but my priority is writing tutorials and not on building infrastructure. I think TechNotes should be a fourth section inside the Reference. This section would be another .xml format and need an engine for constructing the pages. I'm very happy to give up control over the website to the right person. There are many, many ways that it can be improved, I know. A completely new reference is going up on Monday or Tuesday. This has been occupying my time for many, many months.
Re: help building the site + technotes
« Reply #2 on: Jul 12th, 2003, 8:42pm » |
Perhaps some kind of wiki could be used on the site to help people colaborate on this. Or, if you've ever looked at the PHP manual, each entry has a 'comments' section which anyone can add to. That facility here would allow people to quickly post up casual additions faster than it might otherwise be updated.