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Topic: instrospection machine (Read 379 times) |
david medina Guest

instrospection machine
« on: Dec 20th, 2002, 7:11pm » |
i´m designing some video-processing apps using webcams for motion/image detection experiments related to game design and interaction. something like mit's instrospection machine [http://acg.media.mit.edu/projects/im/] comes to my mind to illustrate the level of live processing and recursiveness. can i use proce55ing for this? or i must go to C++/OpenGL? any other idea? thanks in advance -and excuse my english* /David http://www.grama.com.ve/before.htm
Re: instrospection machine
« Reply #1 on: Jan 2nd, 2003, 6:14pm » |
for the time being, p5 can't do it because it doesn't have access to a video camera. at some point in the next few months, we'll optionally have hooks into quicktime for java (or java media framework) so you'll be able to do this. the introspection machine was all linux and some code we wrote to grab raw buffers of video. we've since done the same under windows, sgi, and minimally on the mac. it's doable (but maybe not fun) in c, but hopefully we can get it into p5 as well.
Re: instrospection machine
« Reply #2 on: Apr 18th, 2003, 11:21am » |
it is possible to write a java application that uses the processing libraries, as well as quicktime for java. this is one way to get the video processing abilities you need, without giving up the fast prototyping qualities that processing offers. an example project that demonstrates this concept: http://people.interaction-ivrea.it/d.lu/mediaknitting/installation/