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Topic: hardware? (Read 740 times) |
lauren Guest

« on: Oct 28th, 2002, 12:03am » |
are there any plans in the future to complete the idea of a digital sketchbook in the sense of a PDA? i have a love hate relationship with my computer must get outside
Re: hardware?
« Reply #1 on: Oct 28th, 2002, 6:02pm » |
this is something we've thought about, but haven't done anything formally about it. for instance, people have tried and successfully run the thing on a java-enabled ipaq, with limited results. it'd be nice to release a pda savvy version (or as mentioned by other posters, one that exported to java-enabled phones). one of the biggest holdups is that there isn't much of a standard or a clear winner for the pda space--my preference would be ipaqs running linux, or palm devices. but in the former case, very few people are using them, and in the latter, java support is extremely limited. does anyone have suggestions for what would be a reasonable platform? there are plenty of hypothetical ones but is anyone using java enabled pdas? for what it's worth, i'm certainly very interested in this area, and i recently completed a project using the c++ version of processing's graphics api for the ipaq: http://acg.media.mit.edu/people/fry/browser2/ so i'd be happy to see p5 running on some sort of pda if there was worthwhile route to do so.